US DOLLAR: RS. 296.34    UK POUND: RS. 383.78    EURO: RS. 319.86    JAPANESE YEN: RS. 1.96    INDIAN RUPEE: RS. 3.45    AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR: RS. 186.52

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“The main task of the Credit Information Bureau of Sri Lanka (CRIB) is ensuring that credit is propagated to all corners of society,” stated the bureau’s Director
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“From the perspective of people in organisations, a must-have is empathy because the pandemic has impacted everyone in different ways and leaders must
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The retail sector experienced a quicker recovery than other sectors as it wasn’t hit as hard as expected, observed Mahesh Wijewardene – the CEO of Singer
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“When the COVID-19 outbreak emerged in China during the latter part of last year, we observed it carefully as we were aware of the chaos caused by the
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“We feel that it was a recognition of the commitment and dedication of World Food Programme (WFP) staff worldwide to the cause of hunger
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“A major challenge the tea industry faced was the perception that there may be a COVID-19 outbreak as the plantation community
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“We encountered some challenges with the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic but have been able to tackle them well and are on a strong footing
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“Those elected to parliament have a heavy burden and we can only hope that good counsel will prevail,” said President’s Counsel Geoffrey Alagaratnam, noting that parliament plays an important role as it represents the citizenry more so than the president – especially in light of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution.
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“In the light of someone putting himself or herself forward as a representative of the public, it is crucial that the people understand the drivers behind that particular individual,” said Transparency International Sri Lanka (TISL) Executive Director Asoka Obeyesekere in the lead-up to the 5 August general election.
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