US DOLLAR: RS. 295.46    UK POUND: RS. 380.75    EURO: RS. 320.68    JAPANESE YEN: RS. 2.00    INDIAN RUPEE: RS. 3.38    AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR: RS. 185.46


Q: What is your assessment of the level of corporate dynamism in Sri Lanka? Corporate dynamism is an essential process for productivity and growth. The world is constantly evolving, and the global need is to keep changing, adapting and adopting.
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Q: Where does a company’s culture figure in the corporate respect equation? Culture describes how a company does business while reputation is how external stakeholders perceive it.
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Q: How can organisations create a culture of innovation? Change is inevitable and bracing for it is crucial. The leadership should be committed to laying the foundation for innovation.
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Q: Where does a company’s culture figure in the corporate respect equation? The culture at Standard Chartered is ‘the way we do things here,’ and is very much influenced by our values and beliefs.
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Q: Innovation is essential particularly in the post-COVID era. How is this reflected in your sector? The e-commerce sector’s chief challenge was coping with the demand peak without losing focus on quality of service.
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Q: Is financial soundness an accurate gauge of corporate success in your view? In the life insurance sector, financial soundness is imperative.
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Q: What would be the key measures of financial performance in your estimation? Return on invested capital (ROIC) is a measure of how efficiently a business generates profit given the level of capital invested.
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Q: In what way does CSR come into play vis-à-vis corporate respect? CSR is a core pillar of being a respected corporate – it’s important that companies use their position and abilities to help drive change and positively impact people’s lives.
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Q: Why is honesty important in business, in your opinion? Honesty and integrity form the cornerstones of any successful business. As a business leader, honesty is a key trait you would want to see in any stakeholder.
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