BY Nicola Jayasundera

Tiny ecosystems are a great way to incorporate little splashes of greenery into your home. Terrariums are perfect for apartment living as these miniature gardens need very little care. They require water and sunlight, and can survive on their own for a week or so.

OPEN AND CLOSED There are two main varieties of terrariums – the open type, which is most common, and the closed kind. Open terrariums can be maintained easily since an opening in the glass container will allow your plants to breathe naturally.

On the other hand, plants in closed terrariums will need to sustain themselves. To create a self-sustaining ecosystem that requires water on rare occasions takes a good understanding of plants and the containers.

PETITE PLANTS Petite and slow growing plants are the best options for terrariums. Succulents, cacti and tropical mini plants are ideal for indoor gardens as these can survive well in these ecosystems. Ferns and mosses are easy to maintain – while green and white speckled aluminium plants, as well as air plants, are great decorative options to jazz up your terrarium.

WATERING TIMES If your terrarium is a cactus and succulents-based ecosystem, it will survive with a spritz of water every other day if needed since the plants are hardy and can retain water for a while. However, too much water will kill them.

It’s the same for air plants too. Watering tropical plants in a terrarium will depend on the types of soil or substrate used. The soil must not be dry; nor should it be soggy. To maintain a relatively moist soil, a few misty sprays of water when it starts to dry out is a safe bet.

LAYERS OF SOIL Layering the soil is important since it will ensure that your little ecosystem survives. Firstly, add a layer of small pebbles or gravel at the base of the glass container. A layer of sand or compost soil should be sprinkled over the pebbles to enable good drainage. The depth of these layers is important because if the roots touch the water that has collected between the pebbles, they will begin to rot.

TRY ACCESSORIES Home deliveries will save the day as always with mini figurines that will add some cuteness and vivid colours to your terrarium. Once you have firmly placed your plants, any elements that pique your fancy – such as coloured stones, miniature animals and so on – can be added to containers to personalise them.