Q: How has the motor industry navigated through the pandemic?
A: The pandemic has been challenging for us much like it has the entire industry. Since March last year, restrictions on vehicles, motorcycles and scooter imports caused it to essentially lose a majority of its income.
Therefore, the industry as a whole moved towards offering services to upkeep vehicles in the market, and launched new products and services through after sales to generate revenue. But most players lost up to 60 percent of their revenue and are finding it difficult to cover costs.
Despite the pandemic, the demand for vehicles remains strong in Sri Lanka; even more so, since people prefer using personal vehicles rather than risking public transport.
At Stafford Motor Company, we launched Honda Certified two and four wheelers by refurbishing used vehicles with genuine spares. This enables prospective and loyal customers to purchase high quality Honda motorcycles, scooters, cars or SUVs with warranties from our organisation.
We also launched a range of services under our after sales brand Honda Care, which include condition checks for your Honda, special packages to upgrade your current Honda, complete paint jobs at special rates, a Honda recovery service and so on. These cater to customers’ present needs while generating new revenue lines for the company.
In another new initiative, we tied up with ProRide to provide safety training to riders in keeping with Honda safety riding manuals to make roads safer for everyone.
Q: What inspires trust in the Honda brand?
A: Honda is synonymous with vehicular performance, and driving and riding comfort. In particular, the power and handling of its vehicles offer customers immense driving and riding pleasure. People who are used to the brand find it difficult to switch to others.
Furthermore, when it comes to performance, racing is in Honda’s DNA. This enables it to take the specialised knowledge, experience, and product development and product testing experience from the racetrack, and use them in the brand’s everyday vehicles and motorcycles.
It follows that the brand is seen as offering a superior driving and riding experience, and consumers know that they can trust their Honda with their lives.
Q: How has the pandemic affected brands?
A: The pandemic created challenges for many brands as there have been negative financial impacts on most consumers. This led to some brands losing customers. On the other hand, consumer spending increased in areas such as online services and entertainment, increasing sales for brands in those segments.
Before the onset of COVID-19, we conducted many ground level activities to engage with customers. But following the outbreak, we shifted to social media and above the line communications to sustain brand visibility.
Q: In what way does the brand fulfil its environmental conscience?
A: As a socially and environmentally conscious company, Honda places great emphasis on being environmentally conscious and carbon neutral to the greatest extent possible as an automobile manufacturer.
For example, a Honda factory in Brazil operates entirely on solar power, and its manufacturing processes recycle and reuse water.
Q: How is your company tackling brand management in the present scenario?
A: Honda was the leader in the two wheeler market with its positioning based on quality, performance and durability. As for Honda cars and SUVs, this is more of a niche segment. Once imports resume, we aim to reclaim our market leadership status and in the future, plan to carve out a greater share in the 125 to 150 cc motorcycle segment. We were also poised to launch new models including entry level cars and SUVs targeted at the mid-income level.
Q: Is there a relationship between brand equity and future proofing?
A: Brand equity is the strength of the relationship between brands and consumers, and future proofing refers to maintaining brand relevance.
We engage in communications and advertising, and service delivery, to take customers through the pre to post-purchase life cycle.
After sales service is also of paramount importance and helps keep the brand relevant. Under the present circumstances, consumers are worried about servicing cars so the precautions we take as a brand that values their safety provides them with confidence.
We continue to maintain our relevance by offering specialised services under Honda Care. Prospective buyers can bring their motorcycles or cars to our workshop to be assessed before purchase and we also offer repairs with certified genuine Honda parts.
Managing Director
Executive Director