Akila Wijerathna asserts that sustainable agri exports can be profitable

Sustainable and eco-friendly export agriculture is gaining importance in contemporary agricultural practices, in line with global efforts to mitigate environmental impacts and promote responsible resource utilisation.

And the journey towards sustainable agro exports is encouraging with farmers recognising the need for transformative practices. Profitable, environmentally responsible and sustainable agriculture is becoming a viable solution.

Key strategies to strike this balance include crop selection and diversification; opting for crops that are suited to local conditions reduces the reliance on additional irrigation, fertiliser and pesticides.

Moreover, encouraging diversification contributes to improved soil health, lower pest and disease risks, and heightened resilience to changing climate patterns.

A pivotal factor that’s contributing to the sustainability of export agriculture is the adoption of precision farming tech­niques. Precision farming integrates advanced technologies such as GPS guided machinery and sensors to optimise the use of resources, which include water and fertiliser.

This not only improves the efficiency of crop production but also minimises the environmental footprint by reducing excess inputs. Furthermore, the incorporation of agro ecological principles plays a pivotal role in fostering sustainability in export agriculture.

Agro ecology emphasises the integration of ecological processes into agricultural systems by promoting biodiversity, natural pest control and soil health.

Sustainable export agriculture involves the implementation of circular economy principles. This entails the efficient use and recycling of agricultural byproducts, reduces waste and minimises environmental impacts.

For instance, adopting circular approaches to manage crop residue and organic waste can contribute to the creation of bio-based fertiliser and energy sources, and close the loop in the agricultural production cycle.

Organic and low input farming practices mean less reliance on synthetic chemicals and improved soil health. This serves as an environmentally conscious choice and creates opportunities to access premium export markets, which prioritise eco-friendly products.

By adopting these sustainable practices, agricultural systems can contribute to environmental preservation and the economic benefits associated with exporting eco-friendly products.

The conservation of biodiversity is an ethical imperative and essential factor for the sustained success of agriculture.

Avoiding the use of pesticides and herbicides that pose threats to non-target species, particularly pollinators, is of utmost importance in preserving the delicate balance of ecosystems within agricultural landscapes.

By adhering to these practices, farmers not only fulfil their ethical responsibilities but also contribute significantly to the resilience and ecological health of agricultural ecosystems.

Since effective soil health management is integral to sustainable agriculture, adopting practices such as no till farming and crop rotation proves instrumental in enhancing soil structure, fertility and carbon sequestration. These methods contribute to the overall health of the soil and foster a balanced nutrient environment.

Optimising resource utilisation is a cornerstone of sustainable agriculture, and can be achieved through strategic investment in modern and efficient farming equipment.

By adopting cutting-edge technologies such as GPS guided planting and harvesting, farmers can reduce energy consumption and emissions, and also maximise resource efficiency and minimise waste.

Sustainable agriculture necessitates collaboration across the entire supply chain. Engaging with suppliers and partners who share a commitment to sustainable and ethical practices ensures that the journey of sustainable agro exporters aligns seamlessly with environmental responsibility.

Establishing a traceable and transparent supply chain becomes crucial in maintaining high quality standards and pre­venting unnecessary wastage.

In the realm of sustainable and eco-friendly export agriculture, obtaining various certifications is crucial for validating and ensuring adherence to responsible and environmentally conscious practices.

Organic certification stands out among these as it verifies that agricultural produce has been obtained in line with orga­nic farming standards while avoiding the use of synthetic pesticides and fertiliser.

Carbon footprint certifications assess efforts to reduce emissions, and the emerging Regenerative Organic Certified (ROC) scheme prioritises regenerative practices that aim to improve soil health, biodiversity and ecosystem resilience.

These certifications validate the commitment to responsible practices, and enhance market access by appealing to consumers and businesses with a growing preference for environmentally conscious products.