Since 1987, Sampath Bank has created a valuable network of customers and shareholders. The vision stands to transform lives by unlocking financial potential with innovation, integrity and empathy. The bank introduced Sri Lanka’s first fully automated branches and ATM network, launched the country’s first credit cards, and implemented Y2K compliant systems. Sampath Bank also led with internet banking, real-time remittances and QR code ATM transactions. With 229 branches and nearly 4,300 staff today, Sampath Bank ranks among the top three private banks in Sri Lanka, driven by continuous growth and a deep commitment to customers.

Q: How would you define ‘corporate respect’?

A: Corporate respect is the collective value of everything we do in society. It reflects the bank’s contribution towards all stakeholders including employees, shareholders and the general public.

Q: What does it take to earn and maintain corporate respect today?

A: Establishing corporate respect involves the display of fairness; integrity and transparency in areas such as customer service; working conditions; investor and regulator relations; ethical practices in all areas of operations; supporting communities through CSR initiatives; and commitment to environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) practices.

However, it is easier said than done especially under volatile and uncertain business environments. For example, the COVID-19 pandemic challenged and questioned how respect is perceived in many corporates globally.

During this period, Sampath Bank introduced innovative products such as ‘touchless cash’ withdrawals. We introduced alternative options considering public safety even though it was perceived as inconvenient or non-profitable.

Q: How should corporates instil ESG practices in their operations so that they contribute to garnering corporate respect?

A: ESG though mainstream today, has always been a part of Sampath Bank – it’s ingrained in our culture. The most effective way to instil ESG practices is to embed them in an organisation’s culture.

It’s crucial for leadership to understand and believe in ESG first, and to clearly define and communicate the values and policies that guide the team. These should align with the organisation’s purpose and vision.

Furthermore, incorporating recognition and incentive mechanisms may be necessary, depending on the team members’ receptiveness to ESG and how it resonates with their values.

Clear and ongoing communication with all stakeholders is essential for reinforcement, transparency, involvement and trust. Through these measures, ESG can gradually become an integral part of the organisation’s culture.

Ayodhya Iddawela Perera
Managing Director

Q: How important are stakeholder perceptions in the context of corporate respect?

A: Respect is a perceptual and societal concept, gained or lost within the community. For an organisation, the community comprises its stakeholders. Their perceptions and opinions are shaped by how the organisation conducts itself and treats them.

Therefore, maintaining the highest standards of values and treating all stakeholders with respect and care is essential for fostering positive opinions about the organisation.

While there may always be dissatisfied stakeholders, consistently upholding values and treating all stakeholder groups fairly will ensure that the majority hold a favourable view of the organisation. This perception is what earns an organisation respect and admiration.

Q: What are your company’s key attributes?

A: The first attribute is care. At Sampath Bank, we prioritise customers, employees, shareholders, the environment, the community and regulators. Their wellbeing and opinions matter to us, and we take them seriously.

Another attribute is employee attitude. This contributes to our success along with the first. Employees strive to ensure the wellbeing of all stakeholders, whether serving a customer’s need or protecting the environment, with passion and commitment.

The third attribute is our culture, which has evolved from our founding members to the current corporate management, board of directors and staff. Sampath Bank’s values, deeply etched in our culture, create a healthy environment for positive and creative contributions.


Three vital ingredients that earn corporate respect

Earning corporate respect hinges on three ingredients: integrity and transparency, customer-centric innovation and a deep commitment to ESG practices. Integrity and transparency build trust by ensuring ethical practices and communication with all stakeholders. Customer-centric innovation keeps the bank relevant by adapting services to meet evolving customer needs, through initiatives such as touchless cash withdrawals during the pandemic. And commitment to ESG is embedded in the bank’s culture, supported by dedicated leadership, recognition and rewards for employees who embody these values.

Three global organisations that you respect  


Sampath Bank’s unwavering commitment to integrity and innovation has solidified its standing as a respected institution. By prioritising the wellbeing of stakeholders, upholding high standards of fairness and transparency, and embedding ESG practices into its culture, the bank earns and maintains corporate respect and admiration.

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