Q: Can you share some best practices that your organisation has adopted to navigate the unprecedented challenges brought about by the economic crisis?
A: Roar has always offered employees a very competitive benefits package but the crisis urged us to enhance existing benefits as well as assist those undergoing hardships.
We had already embraced remote and hybrid work well before the pandemic and economic crisis. Last year was no exception – we made sure our employees had all the required equipment and facilities to continue to work from home if they wished. One of the biggest challenges we faced was working around the extended power cuts as all our work is carried out digitally.
A loan programme was extended to anyone who wanted to purchase a bicycle and travel to office during the times of fuel shortages. Our employees had access to the Roar Emergency Fund when they needed financial assistance.
Engaging in corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects was a huge priority for us last year. We were able to identify families and medical institutions that were experiencing a shortage of medicine and equipment, and we supported them. Moreover, we used our platforms to drive awareness and provide updates, inspiring others to reach out and help those in need.
Our teams were very involved in these initiatives, from working on the ground to capture stories to ensuring our CSR activities were a success.
Another major highlight of last year was the inaugural Roar Summit, which was an opportunity for all of us to catch up with our colleagues after months of working from home and celebrate how far we have come.
Q: Employee retention is a red-letter item on the agenda of many businesses in Sri Lanka today due to the unprecedented migration of working people. Could you shed light on how Roar has looked to tackle the challenge of retaining talent?
A: Roar is always growing and we ensure that all our employees are growing along with us. While we understand an employee’s decision to migrate, our hope is that as we diversify and expand internationally, we’re able to continue to provide exciting opportunities for everyone.
Through Roar AdX and 3P Media, we represent some of the world’s leading digital platforms such as Meta, LinkedIn and Google. This allows us to work closely with and learn from global industry leaders, and has enabled us to grow across emerging markets in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region.
We are also opening offices across new countries, enabling our employees to travel and work with international clients and partners.
As a global media consultancy, Roar Media works with an international clientele comprising brands and development organisations, which has given us the opportunity to work on larger, more challenging projects such as feature length documentaries and social impact campaigns.
We see these initiatives as motivation for our employees, as well as those who wish to join us on this journey, to remain in Sri Lanka and contribute positively to the nation. Our goal is to become Sri Lanka’s first unicorn, and put the country on the map for cutting-edge creative and digital media solutions.
Q: How would you describe the connection between employee wellbeing and business performance?
A: We take wellbeing very seriously here at Roar. If an employee is going through a challenging time, we support him or her by offering flexible work hours so that the person has the time and mental space he or she needs. In extreme cases, we also provide paid time off. Many of our employees are engaged in creative work, which requires a healthy state of mind.
Most importantly, we’re committed to creating a safe work environment for everyone. We have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to abuse, harassment or any form of exploitation. We’ve always made it a priority to treat everyone with respect regardless of their ethnicity, religious affiliation, gender or sexual orientation.
Additionally, we have taken steps to raise awareness among our teams about the unique challenges faced by employees from marginalised communities.
Whether we’re producing a documentary or helping SMEs master digital advertising on platforms, we are always working towards making a positive impact on people’s lives and inspiring others to do the same.
Q: In what new ways can a positive work culture be fostered?
A: From the very beginning, we embraced an open, nonhierarchical work environment where everyone is able to take ownership of their work and make decisions. This approach is also conducive to ideas and collaboration, which is crucial for our work and ensures that all voices are heard.
As a company on an ever evolving journey, we embrace agility. Being agile keeps everyone on their toes, keeps them motivated and encourages growth. Regular feedback and check-ins are important at Roar, so that there are opportunities to hear thoughts and recommendations, and address issues.
– Compiled by Yamini Sequeira

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