ezBiz to help Small Business in Partnership with NDB Bank

October 22nd , 2020 – Colombo. National Development Bank PLC, and ThinkCube Solutions (Pvt) Ltd, signed a partnership agreement today to promote the breakthrough Cloud based Business Application ezBiz to NDB’s Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) customers. As a key endeavour within the “ Jayagamu Sri Lanka” initiative NDB hopes to increase the business robustness of the MSME sector of it’s customer base through the adoption of cutting edge technology, business tools and insights. NDB has selected the ezBiz application which has been developed ground up through extensive local input and adoption.
NDB’s continuous focus in adding value and supporting entrepreneurship will take a key turn with the introduction of this application as a solution amongst it’s toolbox and hopes to drive growth and resilience through insightful and intelligence based decision making by its MSME customers.
ezBiz is a comprehensive Cloud Application containing a wide range of Modules and Functions which provides businesses with the flexibility of managing their businesses processes from any location using any devices. The solution provides businesses with the ability to manage a differing range of user profiles, multiple locations and is also supplemented with a strong Point of Sale solutions and Mobile applications
Commenting on the partnership, NDB’s Expressing his views, NDB Bank Director/Group CEO Dimantha Seneviratne said, “Developing the SME sector in Sri Lanka by providing tailor-made solutions has always been an important element of NDB credit propositions. That’s where NDB’s Jayagamu Sri Lanka initiative has really made head winds. These ERP solutions being provided to our clients will assist them in inventory and debtor management, payroll management, cash flow management and other essential accounting functions at their convenience. It would be a win-win solution where bank also can take comfort of these volumes when credit decisions are taken.
“This Partnership is a significant step in our effort to develop the MSME businesses across the country to face challenges as observed in the past few years, streamline their operations and stay lean and mean. We believe that our partnership provides a countrywide reach which will benefit many businesses in the country and permit NDB and thinkCube to augment our offering through mutual collaboration” said Mr. Alex Lovell, Director, thinkCube Systems (Pvt) Ltd
About NDB : The Bank, which is the 4th largest listed bank in Sri Lanka, is one of the fastest growing banks, having had a cumulative average growth rate (CAGR) in advances by 21% and in deposits by 25% in the last four years. The only financial service conglomerate in Sri Lanka, NDB Group is uniquely positioned towards assisting the growth and development of the Sri Lankan capital market provide its customers seamless access to the product and service offerings of all its group companies.
About thinkCube Solutions (Pvt) Ltd.:
ThinkCube solutions is a digital service provider which operates its R&D facility in Sri Lanka. Thinkcube is engaged in developing highly scalable and robust cloud based digital service solutions. Thinkcube’s mission is to create core technologies, applications and tools which drive creation, delivery and adoption of digital services globally. Product portfolio of thinkCube are in the spaces of Business Apps, Collaboration Apps and e-learning Services.