Dr. Lasantha Malavige


Born in

Alma maters
D.S. Senanayake College, University of Colombo and University of Oxford

Parents (Karunasena and Yasawathi), sister (Maduwanthi), wife (Neelika), daughter (Sanui) and son (Thennuka) 

Wanted to be
Someone who would make a difference to those who’re suffering 

A doctor and an entrepreneur

Driven by
Creating happiness

Likes to play
Cricket and squash

Prefers to watch
Music videos with my son

Most unforgettable moment
The day I received my A-Level results and found I’d been selected to enter the Medical Faculty

Best advice received
My father’s advice to me – to keep my promises… always

Mantra to relax and unwind
Jogging and reading


One new thing you tried last year
I learned to make cocktails and mocktails

Workout preferences
With my trainer at a spacious ground

Saddened when
A loved one falls sick

Most used phrase
‘Thank you’

Success is
Making a difference and being happy as a result of it

Impressed by
Creativity and a refined manner

Purpose in life
My purpose in life is to make a difference in people’s lives and derive satisfaction by contributing to the happiness of others

Describe your day off
Jogging on the beach, reading, and playing cricket with my son and badminton with my daughter

The place where and person with whom you feel most at home
With my family at home or spending time with my mother

Three items on your bucket list for the next six months
To go on a meditational retreat, take a trip with the whole family and redo the interior of my house

Three items on your bucket list following retirement
I haven’t thought about retirement yet

Languages you’d like to learn
Japanese, Mandarin and Hindi


Most hated chore

Obsessed with

Pet peeves
Imperfection, dishonesty and boasting

A moment in time to which you’d like to go back
My days in Montessori school

Hiking, listening to music and reading books

Three must-haves
Coffee, my phone and clean clothes

Likely retirement destination
Somewhere in the Central Province or by a beach

Challenged by
Immutable tasks

Desirable qualities in a friend
Honesty and integrity

Things you would change about yourself
I’d like to be more organised and punctual

Yourself in a few words
I derive happiness from making a difference


Days of the week
Saturday, Sunday and Monday

White, black and blue

Chill out spots
A beach, the rooftop of our house early in the morning or evening and our flower farm in Belihuloya

Amma’s food – and desserts made by my son, daughter and wife

Pineapple juice, margarita or gin and tonic

Happy place
Any place where my loved ones are

Lassana Flora, Levi’s and BMW

Places to eat at
Barracuda and The Shore By O!

TV shows
Mind Your Language, How I Met Your Mother and Friends

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, Blue Ocean Strategy and Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don’t

Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mel Gibson and Rowan Atkinson

Robert Plant, Freddie Mercury and Gunadasa Kapuge

Radio Ga Ga (by Queen), Rasputin (Boney M.) and Kashmir (Led Zeppelin)

Favourite civil servant
Amara Hewamadduma – who was a Sri Lankan government agent, literary figure and historian


The first thing you notice when meeting someone is…
His or her facial expressions

The first thing you need when you wake up…

You recently laughed out loud while watching…
My dog smile

Last gift to someone…

You find yourself challenged by…

You know it’s going to be a bad day when…
I haven’t had my coffee yet

The best thing about working in your business is…
That I get to work with beautiful flowers and happy people

New technology that will transform the future includes…
AI and IoT

Sri Lanka in a few words…
A paradise that’s full of potential

Children are…
Meant to play and enjoy nature, as well as their childhood


Most productive in the morning, noon or night

A leader or follower by nature

Cook or foodie

Quality or quantity

The glass is half full or half empty
Half full

The most delightful word you can think of

Work or play after retirement

Your most used word or phrase
‘Let’s make a difference’

Role models
My mother, Lord Buddha and Sir Richard Branson

My mother, for being selfless and giving us her unconditional love; Lord Buddha, for his compassion and teachings on the development of the mind; and Sir Richard Branson, for his crazy business style

Dr. Lasantha Malavige is the Chairman and CEO of Lassana Flora – he is also a consultant in sexual medicine