Q: Could you provide a brief overview of the company?
A: Hayleys Aventura provides a comprehensive range of topnotch global industrial solutions to diverse industries spanning food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, tyres, plastics, construction, agro-business, cosmetics, banking and telecommunications.

We have partnered with some of the most reputed global brands from as many as 40 different countries to supply food and industrial grade speciality chemicals and raw materials to diverse industries in Sri Lanka.

Hayleys Aventura also provides total engineering solutions including equipment and spare parts, coupled with both maintenance and repair services for commercial requirements.

We specialise in power generators, energy saving solutions, industrial pumps, material handling equipment, storage solutions, elevator and car parking systems, and weighing solutions.

Hayleys Aventura is wholly owned by the Hayleys Group, and has successfully expanded beyond local shores to the Maldives and Bangladesh while exploring opportunities in Indonesia.

Our subsidiary Hayleys Lifesciences supplies medical and analytical equipment, consumables and related services in Sri Lanka and the Maldives.

As a result of our diverse portfolio, Hayleys Aventura is seen as a premier innovative solutions provider with valuable relationships in the market today, inspiring us to provide technical and engineering expertise.

Q: How has your role as Managing Director aligned with the purpose of the company?
A: In alignment with the company’s purpose, I perceive my role to be a driver of creativity and innovation, underscored by the key facets of science, engineering and sustainability.

Today, innovation is the sine qua non of survival and I strive daily to enshrine an innovative mindset in our staff. Only innovation can empower local companies to compete on the global stage.

It is critical for Sri Lanka’s advancement that we as business leaders tap latent talent and drive innovation. Hayleys Aventura’s partnerships with global suppliers provide the right exposure and inspiration to drive innovation, which ultimately benefits our customers.

Moreover, I place a lot of emphasis on innovation being sustainable.

For example, we provide AI powered imaging technology that is capable of diagnosing ailments through x-rays; an organic additive that accelerates plastic degradation in landfills; and carbon nanotubes-based dispersion for manufacturing electrostatic discharge gloves and conductive tyres amongst others.

All these sustainable and innovative solutions are tried and tested scientific technologies.
Thus, engineering scientific solutions with sustainable innovation is at the heart of our company’s purpose.

Ensuring quality, commitment, transparency and reliability have been our main ingredients for success in delivering innovation for our customers, sectors and stakeholders over the decades.

Q: As Sri Lanka moves towards economic recovery, what type of industry leadership do you believe is needed for success?
A: Economic revival is vital for businesses to stay afloat. However, expanding overseas to diversify business risks while building long-term resilience is easier said than done.

To sustain a balance between building strong relationships to collaborate with our stakeholders, and setting SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-based) goals to achieve our bottom line, and environmental, social and governance objectives, we must pursue an adaptive and purpose led leadership style.

In leadership, there is no one-size-fits-all. In Sri Lanka especially, we need future focussed leadership capable of forecasting future scenarios, and adapting to changing circumstances in an agile and flexible manner.

Q: In your view, what are the key professional experiences and strengths that will enable you to lead the organisation?
A: I believe enabling a purpose driven leadership style that empowers staff to make their own decisions, brainstorm issues and come up with innovative solutions to problems is a key determinant in driving the growth of Hayleys Aventura.

Adaptability is also a vital quality needed to handle the diversity of Hayleys Aventura’s pool of solutions as each business unit is unique in itself.

Handling one of the most varied and diverse portfolios across the Hayleys Group, and strong relationships nurtured across a broad spectrum of local and global stakeholders will cement our status as a leading industrial solutions provider in the country.

Q: What are the key challenges faced by Sri Lanka and your organisation?
A: The main challenge facing our nation is the rapid brain drain due to unprecedented levels of talent migration.

The complexity of our business requires a skilled talent pool from engineers to scientists with specialised skills in technical fields. At Hayleys Aventura, we actively galvanise our employees to live their purpose and encourage all decision making to align with the purpose of nurturing our workforce.

Q: How is the shift to more ‘green’ solutions impacting industries?
A: Embracing green solutions is crucial to addressing widespread environmental challenges. Yet, the transition entails higher costs due to substantial research and development investments.

Swift adaptation is essential to remain future proof and maintain relevance in an ever evolving landscape.

At Hayleys Aventura, our ethos centres on agile adaptation and sustainable innovation. We believe that fostering green technology isn’t simply an option but a mission critical imperative for a sustainable tomorrow.

– Compiled by Yamini Sequeira

Telephone: 2628400 | Email: info@hayleysaventura.com | Website: www.hayleysaventura.com