Q: Your organisation was recently recognised at the 10th CFA Society Sri Lanka Capital Market Awards. What is the importance of celebrating corporate commitment to excellence in reporting – especially during these challenging times?

A: We are thrilled to have received this recognition at the 10th CFA Society Sri Lanka Capital Market Awards.

Tharusha Ashokgar and Ranjan Ranatunga of First Capital Research played integral roles in preparing and presenting the award-winning report, led by Chief Research and Strategy Officer Dimantha Mathew. The team’s dedication earned us the Bronze award for ‘Best Sector Report’ – the sole recognition awarded for the category this year. The report delved into the intricacies of Sri Lanka’s tourism industry, offering insights and strategic investment recommendations.

Celebrating corporate commitment to excellence in reporting is crucial, particularly during challenging times. It highlights the significance of reliable and accurate information in decision making. In times of uncertainty, investors and stakeholders rely heavily on research reports and analysis to navigate markets and make informed choices.

Recognising organisations that demonstrate a commitment to excellence in reporting promotes transparency, trust and accountability. These factors are vital for maintaining investor confidence and fostering a resilient capital market ecosystem.

Q: How important is it for companies to invest in improving the depth and quality of analysis when it comes to investments?

A: Investing in improving the depth and quality of analysis is paramount for companies when it comes to investments. In today’s complex and interconnected financial markets, decisions based on accurate and comprehensive analysis are more likely to yield favourable outcomes.

By enhancing the depth of analysis, companies can uncover valuable insights, identify emerging trends and mitigate risks associated with investments. Quality analysis provides a solid foundation for making well-informed decisions and maximising returns.

Furthermore, it fosters credibility and builds trust among investors, which can attract capital and create long-term value for the company.

Q: What is your take on this year’s theme for the awards ceremony – i.e. ‘Invest Smart, Build Resilience, Thrive in Sri Lanka’?

A: The theme of ‘Invest Smart, Build Resilience, Thrive in Sri Lanka’ for this year’s awards ceremony aligns with the current market dynamics and emphasises the importance of strategic investment decisions.

In a rapidly changing economic landscape, it is crucial for investors to make smart choices that consider both short-term gains and long-term sustainability. By building resilience in their investment strategies, individuals and organisations can adapt to market fluctuations, and seize opportunities for growth.

Thriving in Sri Lanka requires a holistic approach that integrates sound financial practices with a deep understanding of the local market dynamics and emerging trends. Sound research analysis should form the bedrock of the decision-making process, enabling effective risk management and the potential for higher returns to be achieved.

Dilshan Wirasekara
Managing Director
Chief Executive Officer

Q: In your opinion, what investment trends and opportunities are worth capitalising on when it comes to the tourism industry?

A: In the tourism industry, there are several investment trends and opportunities worth capitalising on. With the rapid recovery of the global tourism industry in the post-pandemic period, there is potential for growth in Sri Lanka’s tourism industry and related sectors. Investments in the hospitality, transportation, retail and entertainment sectors can be lucrative.

Additionally, sustainable tourism practices and eco-friendly initiatives are gaining traction, presenting opportunities for investments aligned with environmental and social considerations.

Furthermore, with interest rates decreasing, there will likely be increased lending activity, leading to growth in the housing and retail markets. This in turn creates opportunities to invest in these sectors through the equity market.

With the expectation of inflation easing, interest rates could decline further, thereby creating opportunities in fixed income markets too.

Q: What are First Capital’s plans for the coming six months in terms of expansion, new products or services and so on?

A: Over the past two years, we have witnessed a surge in public interest in capital markets and their products. This interest is evident among both large and retail investors. As an organisation, we are prepared to cater to both segments.

We have invested in digital infrastructure, assembled servicing teams, streamlined processes, improved customer service standards, strengthened our product portfolio and recruited experts across various tiers to deliver exceptional service and most importantly, results.

First Capital is geared and committed to delivering our ethos of ’Performance First.’

Telephone 2639898  |  Email info@firstcapital.lk  |  Website www.firstcapital.lk