BY Dr. Sanjiva Wijesinha


My father, who knew much more Latin than I do, often used to quote from the ancient Roman writers he had studied while at university.

One particular quotation he was fond of quoting to us was from the Roman dramatist Terence who lived some 180 years BCE: “Quot hominess, tot sententiae.”

This may be translated as follows: ‘So many persons – as many opinions.’ It is often coupled with the second line by Terence: “Suus cuique mos est”… meaning: ‘And each has his own way.’

I am reminded of my father’s words on the frequent occasions when someone I know socially (and occasionally, even someone whom I meet for the first time at a social function) asks me for medical advice.

It is usually an opening such as: “I hope you don’t mind my asking you this… but you are a doctor, no?”

This query is usually followed by something like this: “I have been asked by my doctor to take medicine X for condition Y. Do you think it is good to take it?”

My first reaction is to reply bluntly: “What makes you think that I know more about this particular medicine and the illness than your doctor?” However, one has to be tactful in such situations.

I usually try, smiling as politely as I can, to say: “It is really difficult to answer your question when I know nothing about your medical condition. And this is really neither the time nor the place to conduct a proper medical consultation or examination.”

This usually terminates the unsolicited medical consultation and probably adds to my reputation as a rude person. But some folks, undeterred by my answer, persist with their line of questioning.

To them I whisper conspiratorially (if untruthfully): “You know, I have had three stiff Scotches already – and I cannot be relied upon to give a sensible answer with so much alcohol in my bloodstream!”

At this point, I get a funny look… and my interlocutor quickly changes the subject and hurriedly extricates him or herself from my presence.

But why do so many people want to seek a second opinion and reassurance from someone other than their physician? Why are they unsure that the therapy prescribed by that worthy will actually work?

Is it because they don’t have confidence in their doctors? Or because they believe that if a free consultation might be available, they should avail themselves of it?

The problem with asking several doctors what medicine they would prescribe for your illness (especially if most of those physicians don’t know your medical history, what allergies and side effects you may be vulnerable to, what other medications you’re taking and so on) is that you will have a number of different opinions.

If you’re lucky, you may receive a few concordant opinions. Usually, you’ll get varying perspectives and be left confused – even more so than you already were!

The moral of the story is this: find a doctor you have confidence in and can trust. Ask other people who have consulted him or her and are satisfied with the physician – and stick to that practitioner’s advice without asking other consultants ‘just to make sure.’