Compiled by Nicola Jayasundera


Ajmal Hameem envisions a united nation being led by purpose driven youth

Q: What’s the good, the bad and the ugly in Sri Lanka today?

A: Simply put, the good in Sri Lanka is the freedom people have to express their own ideas and feelings about the current situation that we are in, as well as the fact that the nation is working for the welfare of society in the aftermath of recent critical events.

The bad is seen when the government focusses more on various insignificant issues instead of improving agriculture and education, which have faced many crippling setbacks in the recent past.

On the ugly side of things here in Sri Lanka, we see people in power being biased and selfish, and using their positions for personal gain. This has resulted in the collapse of democracy in a nation that was once united by our kings of yore.

Q: And what are the other challenges facing our nation at this time?

A: The main challenge Sri Lanka faces as a nation today is the need to cope with global urbanisation and rapid development in all spheres.

On the local front, Sri Lanka needs to form and maintain a united, democratic and peaceful parliament, which we can’t even dream of witnessing these days!

Q: Do you believe that Sri Lankans will be united one day – and if so, how and why?

A: Yes, Sri Lankans will definitely be united someday because the youth will need to rectify the damage that the older genera­tions have caused over the decades.

With the development of various industries and emergence of several technological platforms, the future generation is blessed to earn, work from home and communicate using such technology.

By using technology and social media therefore, the nation can once again be united by respecting one another’s cultures and tolerating different views – without being selfish and divisive as society currently is.

Q: Where do you see yourself in 10 years’ time?

A: I see myself working for a reputable company, having gained outstanding qualifications.

Overall, I would like to be an ideal citizen who serves this amazing island to the greatest extent possible. So I’d work towards being a brilliant son to my parents, a great brother to my siblings and a role model for the younger generation.

Q: And where do you see Sri Lanka in a decade or so from today?

A: According to the current situation, all I can see is a dark and terrible future.

But if rapid changes take place in quick succession by giving more freedom and power to the young and future generations to take over, Sri Lanka will have a bright future with a proper administration.

And this will result in building positive relationships with nations worldwide.

Q: Who is responsible for climate change and global warming, in your view – and what must be done about this?

A: The reason for all successes is us humans; and the reason

for all failures is also us humans.

Preventing and mitigating environmental disasters could begin with simple measures such as reducing vehicle usage and the amount of exhaust fumes in the air, and large-scale initiatives in collaboration with leading industries of the world.

Q: How do you view the growing importance of social media today?

A: Every coin has two sides. In this case however, more prominence is given to one side that says social media is useful and essential.

Nowadays, thanks to the con­venience of using technology anywhere and at any time to perform any task, one can manage his or her own time. Therefore, all we need to do to benefit from this evolving world is to learn to balance things.

Q: Finally, where do you see the world in 10 years’ time?

A: I see the world consisting of more innovative, creative and smart people led by global urbanisation. This would be the result of properly balancing the use of technology and managing one’s productivity.

Because of new job opportunities, the employment rate will come down – and low income populations will likely decrease substantially.

Overall, the future will be bright – because society will have the freedom to express both the good and the bad.