In the echoes of history, amid the tumult of the present, there was the aragalaya. A tapestry woven with the threads of struggle, resilience and hope, and within its borders we found the pulse of a nation that beats in unison with the aspirations of its people.

We’re compelled to pause and reflect on the journey that brought us to where we are.

The aragalaya of April 2022 stood as a testament to the indomitable spirit of the island’s inhabitants as the pages of history bear witness to the rise and fall of leaders, parliamentary disarray and enduring presence of voices yearning for real change.

Beyond the corridors of power and halls of governance lies an untold story – one of the brave souls of all ages and from all walks of life, led by the youth, who dared to raise their voices in the face of adversity.

Sadly, a unique and peaceful movement that was the envy of the world was seemingly hijacked by politically desperate infiltrators with violence and mayhem ensuing, thereby dashing the hopes of an apolitical and peace loving citizenry.

Where do we go from here? How do we navigate the landscape of uncertainty? Who holds the key to unlocking that Pandora’s box of corruption, deceit and more?

Only time will tell…