Commissioned and conceptualised by LMD, the survey conducted by PepperCube Consultants ranks the ‘Most Respected’ entities in Sri Lanka based on the opinions of respondents.

The 2024 survey was conducted by PepperCube Consultants in March and April of this year, and the study encompassed a sample size of 600 participants comprising employees at the managerial level or above.

These individuals are currently employed in organisations listed on the Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE), the 2022/23 edition of the LMD 100 and Brands Annual 2023. A maximum of six respondents were contacted from each company and they were not allowed to nominate their own employer.

PepperCube Consultants crafted a structured questionnaire, which was approved by LMD. This questionnaire was administered to all respondents with interviews conducted in English by a team of trained enumerators.

The duration of interviews ranged from between seven and 20 minutes, and all responses were recorded electronically. The number of attributes under which organisations were listed was increased from 12 in the previous year to 16 with the addition of the following categories: aspirational workplace, ethical outlook, expansion and tax compliance, which is a hot topic.

To mitigate any biases, the order of attributes was rotated across respondents during the interviews. The collected data was then cleaned, scrutinised, coded and ranked on the basis of responses.

Each respondent was asked to rank three entities for the overall ranking. The overall ranking was derived by weighting the rankings provided by each respondent with five points for the first mention, three for the second and one for the third. The total weighted score for each company determined its overall ranking.

Additionally, respondents were invited to nominate one entity for each attribute – and these nominations formed the basis for the attribute rankings.

 – PepperCube Consultants