SPAR is one of the world’s leading voluntary food retail chains. The business started with a single Dutch store in 1932; and now, the retail chain comprises more than 13,600 stores in 48 countries – meeting the needs of over 14.5 million consumers every day. SPAR International granted a licence to Ceylon Biscuits (the CBL Group) in 2017, to operate the SPAR brand in Sri Lanka in a joint venture with the SPAR Group – Southern Africa. And SPAR’s journey in Sri Lanka encompasses its penetration of the local market, a market-friendly attitude to the supermarket’s customer base and maintaining this respect over time.

Q: How important is it for businesses to uphold corporate respect in times of crisis?

A: What’s pivotal especially during a crisis is to ensure we unite and do not escalate or aggravate the situation. There can be a tendency for businesses to think short term. This is detrimental and will only lead to more challenges.

Q: How costly is it to earn and maintain corporate respect today?

A: I have found it to be more costly not to maintain corporate respect. To build respect takes time. However, losing it can take an instant. The cost most often cannot be quantified and many make the mistake of thinking the reason for lack of respect can be forgotten easily.

Q: What’s the main difference between corporate reputation and corporate respect?

A: A reputation is what you build over a period of time while respect is a status. Reputation is an asset that cannot be rebuilt easily. Respect is a status we can earn but reputation has the power to override that status.

Q: What is the importance that corporates should place on continuous innovation to nurture respect?

A: Innovation will be the key in today’s world. Respect is enhanced by how innovation can upgrade the relevant industry or sector and add value to consumers. Often, innovation that impacts and adds value to its key stakeholders will garner respect.

Q: Do technological advancements help corporates to establish and maintaining respect?

A: If used responsibly, these will help to establish and maintain respect. The content is critical as is its ability to influence the consumers while keeping end goals in sight. As social media penetration is high, opportunities are immense. The critical part is how you meet or exceed the expectations of your stakeholders on experience compared to what was communicated.

Q: How does respect in workplaces help nurture admiration for organisations?

A: Organisational culture plays a critical role in many aspects and if teams are respectful of the corporate ethos, it can lead to a very conducive environment enabling a productive and happy workforce.

In the absence of respect for your colleagues, values in the organisation deteriorate. Your employees are brand ambassadors, thereby creating an authentic reputation to attract and inspire others to be part of the team.

Q: How should a corporate garner respect across multiple stakeholder groups?

A: By identifying and exemplifying the values of your organisation in all transactions and interactions. Maintain consistency in your approach across all stakeholders, no matter how challenging the situation is.

Q: How important are stakeholder perceptions?

A: Stakeholder perceptions are very important, given that they become part of your voice in the market. Perceptions have a significant impact on organisations, which can be underestimated. Most organisations identify and focus on stakeholder management, which is a good approach.

Q: What are the main attributes of your corporate image?

A: We engage and support communities in a meaningful manner, based on what we could do together with our customers. And we create grocery solutions that are convenient, offer consistent quality and make available everything you want every time.

Also, we provide an opportunity for entrepreneurs to sell their products, dealing with all suppliers equally, ensuring we co-exist and reap benefits together in difficult times. Commitment to the workforce in challenging times has also shaped our image positively.

SPAR Sri Lanka is part of a global chain and therefore, it has to live up to an international reputation. Among its key values is that it believes in providing opportunities to local entrepreneurs to find markets for their produce. And therefore, its premises display a wide variety of local products.


Three priorities for Sri Lankan corporates today

  • Do your part, engage in what is right – with no negative influence or ulterior motive
  • Upgrade and uplift our business partners in your respective industries/verticals
  • Live by your values that will reap greater benefits for the organisations and communities you serve

Three most vital professional values for business leaders

  • Passion – enjoy what you do with enthusiasm, commitment and authenticity
  • Integrity – build trust among your stakeholders through sincerity and honesty
  • Loyalty – build brands that are reliable, dependable and supportive

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