Fairness is not synonymous with fate, and as such, certain lives are destined to undergo a more difficult path; a path of hardship, suffering and abandonment at an early age. These are children who have lost parental care. Who will stand by such souls? Who will step forward to give these children an education, love, care and most of all – a home?

Well, Sri Lanka has some hope. ‘SOS Children’s Villages Sri Lanka’ is a safe haven for such children without parental care. With nearly 70 years of expertise in childcare and a global presence in 135 countries, this organization invariably provides the best support a child may need.

Care Principle – SOS children’s villages operate based on a set of care principles laid down as foundation by the father of this organization himself: Dr. Herman Gmeigner who, after witnessing the tragedies of war torn children in world war two, formed the first SOS Children’s Village in the year 1949. The fundamentals of care principles this organization operates by are:

A Child – Every child is recognized and respected. A child is guided and accompanied with care in order for him/her to reach maximum potential.

A Mother – Every child is assigned a caregiver to bond with, and build a similar loving relationship as between a mother and child. So they may grow up with love, security and respect.

A Family – Every child is welcomed into a family of an SOS mother (caregiver) and SOS siblings (other children without parental care living in the same home) so they form lifelong bonds with their SOS siblings similar to that of biological siblings.

A Community – Every child is given a safe community to grow up in, where they connect, support and share experiences with each other.

These principles of a child, mother, family and community weaved together forms SOS Children’s Villages – where children without parental care live happily, in safety and security.

This concept is called ‘Family Like Care’ where the best alternative family like setting is provided for a child to grow up in. Currently 960 children without parents are being cared for under this program from six locations where SOS Children’s Villages are based, namely – Piliyanda, Galle, Monaragala, Nuwereliya, Anuradapura and Jaffna.


A helping hand to weakening families

Apart from family like care, there is also a program called ‘Family Strengthening Program’ aka. FSP. This program focuses on strengthening families that are at risk of breaking down due to poverty or various reasons that lead to poverty, which inevitably ends up affecting the children from these families. It is in the child’s best interest to remain and grow up in the biological family and we understand this. Therefore, every effort is taken to keep such families together by supporting them to be financially independent. This is done by training and teaching them self-employment skills such as tailoring, handwork, fish-keeping etc. So in turn, these families will be able to look after their own children. There are 3500 families in Sri Lanka who are under the family strengthening program.

There are various support activities and projects carried out by SOS Children’s Villages Sri Lanka apart from the aforementioned, such as Vocational Training Centers for the youth, Kindergarten schools, Medical centers etc.

All of these are done with the objective of contributing, empowering and supporting the Sri Lankan community the best way they can.

If you would like to be a part of this effort, to give a helping hand to such children in need which is a great act of benevolence, please do not hesitate to contact: 076 322 7422.