BBC - 13 July 2022

Protestors erupt in joy after taking over prime minister's office

Demonstrators who have taken over the prime minister's office have erupted in joy, taking selfies, chanting “Ranil lunatic, Gota lunatic” while banging drums and screaming.

On the second floor balcony, just above a sign saying "Prime Minister's Office", a crowd of protesters are holding the Sri Lankan flag aloft.

They are delirious with glee, managing to rip the gates open and push through a wall of soldiers - all while enduring hours of teargas.

Someone lights a flare above the balcony. The crowd erupts in cheers.

Protesters storm into prime minister's office

Protesters have breached the gates to the prime minister's office and are now flooding into the grounds.

The grounds are now completely overrun with joyous protesters, with crowds climbing on anything and everything they are able to get their hands on, according to the BBC's Tessa Wong, who is at the scene.

Many are standing on balconies screaming with jubilation, after an hours-long standoff with armed police officers outside the gates of the compound.