Q: What are your expectations of the business environment in the next 12 months or so?
A: The pandemic and its effects will be around for a while. This is the general consensus globally.

Therefore, it’s critical that we use this time to rethink and restructure the way in which we do business.

I strongly believe that the next 12 months or maybe even longer will be quite challenging for most businesses, owing to the ever-changing macroeconomic factors. The pandemic itself, and the country’s constantly evolving COVID-19 crisis and health regulations, force businesses such as ours to shut down, making it almost impossible for us to forecast even a month ahead most times.

Other factors such as exchange rate fluctuations, inflation and the sudden ban on imported goods all affect our businesses in different ways. That’s why I feel the vaccination drive is critical. Rebuilding confident consumer sentiment will no doubt encourage the patronage of our businesses and thereby ensure positive performance going forward.

Despite all these challenges however, we look forward to working closely with all stakeholders in reinventing the wheel. We’re ready to face any challenge, and committed to business continuity and growth even post this difficult time period.

Q: What is your take of the ongoing vaccination programme and how critical is it to your company’s prospects this year?
A: The ongoing vaccination program is very critical in driving the performances of our companies. All our businesses are largely consumer centric and therefore, positive sentiment is essential for them to thrive.

Statistics already show a direct correlation between the vaccination drive and heightened confidence of our people. We see our customers coming out of their homes and patronising our establishments – that’s a huge step in a positive direction for our businesses.

The impact of this pandemic on businesses such as ours will last forever. We run businesses that are impacted first and the most by such calamities but on the other hand, they’re also the type to recover first due to pent-up demand. That’s why I constantly reiterate and maintain to my teams the need to take the good from the bad and learn from this situation.

In summary, yes, an efficient and quick vaccination drive is a critical juncture in driving our businesses forward. It’s the only way we’ll be able to build positive sentiment in the people’s mind – where individuals and families feel free to go about their daily lives.