Release to reclaim peace of mind

BY Archana Law

Recently, I was reading about a young boy taking his first lesson in water-skiing. He was bobbing happily in the water but went down as the boat took off. Watching him hold on to the towrope and being dragged behind the very boat that was trying to speed to his rescue, his father cut the engine and advised his offspring: “Son, I forgot to tell you one very important point about water-skiing – when you fall, you must remember to let go of the rope!”

This is a story that I remember very well because of the long-lasting impression it has had on me.

The main reason for that young boy not letting go of the towrope wasn’t because he wanted to hold on to it; in fact, the youngster held on to it because he didn’t know what else to do during those frightening moments when he was being dragged through the water.

Indeed, the thought of letting go wasn’t an option for him at that moment. Instead, the boy’s mind – which was completely blocked by a misplaced and dangerously false fear – made him hold on to something that he was better off letting go.

In the intricate dance of life, one of the most challenging yet essential steps is learning to let go.

Whether it’s a past mistake, a failed relationship or the burden of expectations, the ability to release what no longer serves us is a powerful skill that leads to personal growth and emotional freedom.

Letting go isn’t about giving up; it’s about making space for new opportunities and allowing yourself to evolve – there’s power in letting go of things that don’t serve you or aren’t conducive to your growth.

Often, the obstacles that impede our progress and hinder personal growth manifest in various forms – such as limiting beliefs, fear of failure or the weight of past mistakes, for example. ‘The Power of Letting Go’ by John Purkiss explains that letting go actually means releasing something (i.e. a state of mind) rather than an association with a specific scenario.

There are a few proven ways to embrace the future… by letting go.

SELF-DOUBT Limiting beliefs about your abilities and worth are self-imposed limitations that act as formidable blocks that prevent you from reaching your full potential. Open yourself up to the possibilities that exist beyond your perceived limitations.

FAILURE The fear of failure can paralyse you; it can keep you stuck in your comfort zone. Embrace the inevitability of setbacks as opportunities for growth. It is through failure that you will learn, adapt and ultimately succeed.

RELATIONS Unhealthy relationships – be they personal or professional – can be major roadblocks to your wellbeing. Take a courageous step towards creating space for positive connections and supportive environments, with self-awareness and a willingness to confront the discomfort that often accompanies releasing what’s familiar.

DENIAL Understand what’s denying you peace with the present and obstructing any possibilities that lie ahead. Acceptance, which is the cornerstone of letting go, involves acknowledging the reality of a situation without making any judgements.

WORRY Stories concerning the past or worries about the future can sometimes consume you from within. By cultivating mindfulness, which will enable you to be fully present in the moment, you can detach yourself from the stories – and instead, foster a sense of clarity and peace.

HONESTY You will need to sincerely and willingly analyse your feelings about a situation. It is then that you’ll find it easier to let go.

FEAR The fear of repeated trauma and concern that you will be too vulnerable in future often results in building a wall around your heart to protect yourself from the terrors of the past. However, if you keep recycling the same patterns of retreat, and ducking for safety over and over again without any relief, nothing will change in your life.

It’s necessary to check what’s disturbing your peace of mind, and let go of what is causing you anxiety and frustration.

If you’d like a life of purposeful focus, examine what’s preventing you from achieving it… and thereafter, let go of those obstacles.

Letting go is a potent antidote to the blocks that hinder our personal and professional growth. It is an ongoing process that requires self-reflection, courage and a commitment to continuous improvement.

By embracing the liberating power of letting go, we pave the way for a life unburdened by self-imposed limitations, fear and stagnation – a life that’s filled with growth, resilience and endless possibilities.

Every time you dare to let go, you’re unlikely to fall. Instead, you will rise like a kite when its string is cut and climb up into the open sky – because that’s the characteristic of a kite; it was made to rise.

And so are we – we too are made to be free. Anything less is definitely not enough!