LMD 100 Q&A
Q: What role can corporates play in Sri Lanka’s economic revival, given the multiple crises that the island has faced recently?
A: Since 2019, Sri Lanka has been fighting its way through a number of crises. At the moment, we as a nation are attempting to weather the worst economic crisis ever recorded in our history.
In a situation like this, corporate entities such as Lanka Hospitals need to evaluate potential solutions that are truly viable. It is essential that we have a firm grasp of the actual and practical aspects of ensuring a smooth run to maximise our chances of success.
As a company that places a high value on its corporate social responsibility, we consider it our obligation to make life easier for those who have a stake in our success. Because of the impact on patients’ discretionary income, Lanka Hospitals has adjusted its prices. However, the quality of our services has not suffered as a result of these changes.
Q: How can Sri Lanka improve its ease of doing business and competitiveness on the international stage?
A: Priorities must be set when doing business on a global scale. A first step is to improve the country’s global perception. We need to coordinate with countries that can provide aid and sponsorship to get through this crisis.
The severe economic crisis caused by the depletion of foreign reserves has increased our urgency in seeking out opportunities to replenish the same. Much thought and effort is being put into developing short, intermediate and long-term plans by government officials in this country.
And the tourism sector could provide a quick win. The second group are the migrant workers who can give us more substantial remittances.
In my opinion, we must prioritise these areas if we’re to continue existing in the near future; and it is crucial that our exporters maintain open export channels, and also recognise the obligation of bringing a fair share of export proceeds back to the country given the crisis we are in.
The medium and long-term goals can be implemented after we have brought the country to a stable position in the next two to three years, which may be an ambitious endeavour.
Q: What are the key challenges facing the sector that your organisation is a part of?
A: The field of healthcare has been bedevilled by a diverse array of challenges. The cost of medical supplies and equipment is, on the one hand, a significant financial challenge.
As a direct result of the crisis, the amount of money that we spend on food and other necessities has increased to an all-time high.
In spite of the significant increases in cost, it is essential for us to have access to medical equipment to provide appropriate care for our patients.
As a direct consequence of the ongoing economic crisis, many people have lost their economic livelihoods. They are experiencing a drop in their overall levels of income. As a direct consequence of this, there is a reduction in the number of patients seeking medical treatment at private healthcare facilities.

Group Chief Executive Officer
In addition to this, we have a significant commitment to maintaining the same level of workforce numbers at all times. As a consequence of this, Lanka Hospitals currently employs close to 2,200 people across its various departments. And as a consequence of this also, it is essential for us to offer financial assistance to approximately 2,200 families. The difficulties are of an epic proportion.
Despite this, we approach both our pricing strategies and product offerings mindfully.
Now is the moment for us to reevaluate the ways in which we can serve society to the best of our abilities.
Q: Outline your company’s plans – especially in regard to expansion…
A: As a company committed to long-term success, we are funding environmentally sustainable initiatives that will ultimately benefit our clientele. In addition, as a healthcare provider, we’re restructuring the hospital to introduce cutting-edge technologies that will help us deliver superior care to our patients.
By constantly pursuing and implementing cutting-edge technological solutions, we are able to maintain a significant advantage over our competitors.
We will also implement other forward-thinking initiatives to maintain a more comprehensive service approach in the light of people’s expectations of healthcare services.
As a company that places a high value on its corporate social responsibility, we consider it our obligation to make life easier for those who have a stake in our success
Telephone 5430000 | Email info@lankahospitals.com | Website www.lankahospitals.com