KPMG Sri Lanka, which is one of the largest professional services businesses  – and possessing a wide and varied service offering – also ranks among the oldest Chartered Accountancy firms in the country. In its portfolio, there are over 125 years of professional service to its credit. At present, the firm has established a strong leadership team of 19 partners and cadre of more than 1,000 professionals. KPMG in Sri Lanka is also governed by a strong value system, which is built on the foundational pillars of integrity, honesty, professionalism, transparency, ethics, accountability, diligence and sound governance.

Q: How has your organisation evolved and gained respect over the years?

Priyanka Jayatilake: KPMG Sri Lanka has built a sterling reputation over 125 years, sustaining its position as one of the most respected professional services firms by focusing on two key pillars: earning trust and ensuring growth.

Today, KPMG Sri Lanka has grown from being purely an audit firm into an audit, tax and advisory services firm, which demonstrates how it has focused on aligning emerging client needs with its service lines.

Being part of a global network of firms – with access to global tools, thought leadership and specialised training – has helped the firm to move ahead in a proactive manner with ‘speed to market.’

The firm’s approach, enhanced methodologies, talented partners and staff, progressive nature and openness to new ideas have unfailingly won respect from its clients. And the greatest investment has been in our people, helping us to remain relevant to market needs.

Q: What are the key attributes of your organisation that serve it well to command respect?

Suren Rajakarier: The firm has a thorough and wide-ranging operational framework, derived from values that command respect from the market – namely integrity, courage and excellence. The tone at the top ensures that every member of the KPMG family stands by these values and acts in accordance, all the while doing the right thing.

We aim to achieve consistency in what we do, which means we don’t treat different clients differently, whilst also being one of the leading firms in many areas of specialised technical knowledge – for example, introducing environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG), and family business lines, to Sri Lanka.

We aim to be a clear choice for the firms’ clientele – and an employer of choice for people. Being in a position to recruit the best people further helps us to be a trusted and trustworthy professional services firm.

Q: In times of crisis, how important is it for businesses to uphold corporate respect?

Jagath Perera: It is in times of crisis that organisations should focus more on values, quality standards and internal risk management processes – and we never compromise on any of these despite external challenges.

As a professional services firm, our people are the most important asset – and retention of talent is imperative to keep growing. During this difficult time, KPMG Sri Lanka continues to address the needs of our staff to keep them motivated and productive.

Secondment opportunities within our network provide opportunities for staff to work with global offices, and enhance their exposure and personalities.

Teams from KPMG Sri Lanka can earn in foreign currency while being in the country by working on virtual secondments with KPMG firms in the Cayman Islands and the Maldives – some strategies that help to retain the talented young generation in the country.

Q: What are the main attributes of your company’s image?

Ranjani Joseph: Our attributes flow from the three critical values that are demonstrated by everyone in the KPMG family. The first is integrity: we believe in doing what is right as a professional firm. And the second is excellence: we keep striving for excellence, and never stop learning and developing. The third is courage: we think and act boldly.

As a people-centered business furthermore, we work together for the better and value the contribution of others. These values that we believe in and practise help us to stand out as one of the most respected entities in the market.

We aim to be the most trusted and trustworthy professional services firm, and our people are the best brand ambassadors of our values.

Q: How important are stakeholder perceptions, in your opinion – and why? 

Shiluka Goonewardene: Perception is reality and it’s important to breathe the values we espouse from the core. Being authentic and honest is important. At KPMG, we live our values as a people’s organisation. When you do this consistently, the perception and reality become one and the same.

During the economic crisis, we kept communications open from an employee point of view, continued to provide them with the exposure to multidisciplinary teams to develop their technical skills and supported them in their personal needs. Succession planning is an ongoing formal process embedded in our governance framework.

From our clients’ point of view, we focus on consistently offering quality services with unstinted support to be part of their journey – no matter the challenges they faced or face. Even in times of crisis, we operate within our risk management and quality assurance framework.

Q: How does respect in workplaces help to nurture admiration for organisations as employers of choice?

Harsha Rajan: Earning admiration boils down to an organisation’s culture – and at KPMG Sri Lanka, we have a culture where we respect each other and draw strength from our differences. Our employees have access to the leadership, encouraging open and honest communication.

Further, promotions and the growth of employees are based on meritocracy – aspects that help us to become an employer of choice. The firm also fosters employee engagement in various activities to enable them to develop their knowledge and leadership skills.

Our employees participate in an annual global employee survey anonymously through an independent firm in Canada. Through this survey, KPMG member firms are compared to each other against their previous year’s ratings and comparable multinationals, and we are proud to note that KPMG Sri Lanka is strongly positioned amongst the global KPMG network.

As a leading professional services firm deeply rooted in its values, KPMG Sri Lanka embodies those attributes in its interactions with employees, clients and other stakeholders in a fair, equitable and professional manner, and continues to focus on being the most trusted and trustworthy professional services firm.


Three priorities for Sri Lankan corporates today

  • Focussing on sustainability
  • Recognising the need for speed
  • Operating with purpose

Three most vital professional values for business leaders

  • Integrity
  • Courage
  • Excellence

“The tone at the top ensures that every member of the KPMG family stands by these values and acts in accordance, all the while doing the right thing”

Telephone:5426426 |

(KPMG in Sri Lanka – KPMG Sri Lanka)