Just Do It!
Doing the right thing doesn’t need legislation

Deputy Secretary General/COO
Ceylon Chamber of Commerce
Doing the right thing shouldn’t require legislation; it must stem from a conscious choice, integrity and a moral compass. While legislation is necessary to address societal issues, promote justice and ensure due process in a macro context, it shouldn’t be the ultimate arbiter of what’s right and wrong.
That judgement should stem from personal ethics, a sense of justice and compassion.
This is particularly important since laws can continue to remain in effect long after the context in which they were originally formulated has changed. Morality however, transcends time and place.
We have seen multiple examples of outdated legislation, particularly regarding civil rights, that have done more to restrict and harm, than uphold and protect. In these cases, people who have fought to do the right thing, guided by ethics and values, have brought about positive change.
In other words, doing the right thing is a reflection of our character and values. This must come from an individual’s ability to discern right from wrong, and make choices that align with their principles.
Doing the right thing is a reflection of our character and values