General view of people walking past the World Economic Forum (WEF) logo during the forum in Davos, Switzerland May 23, 2022. REUTERS/Arnd Wiegmann
Source: Reuters May 24, 2022

DAVOS, Switzerland, May 23 (Reuters) - Multiple threats to the global economy topped the worries of the world's well-heeled at the annual Davos think-fest on Monday, with some flagging the risk of a worldwide recession.

Political and business leaders gathering for the World Economic Forum (WEF) meet against a backdrop of inflation at its highest level in a generation in major economies including the United States, Britain and Europe.

These price rises have undermined consumer confidence and shaken the world's financial markets, prompting central banks including the U.S. Federal Reserve to raise interest rates.

Meanwhile, the repercussions on oil and food markets of Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February - which Moscow describes as a "special military operation" - and COVID-19 lockdowns in China with no clear end have compounded the gloom.

"We have at least four crises, which are interwoven. We have high inflation ... we have an energy crisis... we have food poverty, and we have a climate crisis. And we can't solve the problems if we concentrate on only one of the crises," German Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck said.

"But if none of the problems are solved, I'm really afraid we're running into a global recession with tremendous effect .. on global stability," Habeck said during a WEF panel discussion.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) last month cut its global growth outlook for the second time this year, citing the war in Ukraine and singling out inflation as a "clear and present danger" for many countries.

IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva, speaking in Davos on Monday, said the war, tighter financial conditions and price shocks - for food in particular - have clearly "darkened" the outlook in the month since, though she is not yet expecting a recession.

Asked at a panel whether she expected a recession, Georgieva said: "No, not at this point. It doesn’t mean it is out of the question."


European Central Bank (ECB) President Christine Lagarde, due to speak in Davos on Tuesday, has warned that growth and inflation are on opposing paths, as mounting price pressures curb economic activity and devastate household purchasing power.

"The Russia-Ukraine war may well prove to be a tipping point for hyper-globalisation," she said in a blog post on Monday.

"That could lead to supply chains becoming less efficient for a while and, during the transition, create more persistent cost pressures for the economy," Lagarde added.

Still, she essentially promised rate hikes in both July and September to put a brake on inflation, even if rising borrowing costs are bound to weigh on growth.

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