Manilka Ediriweera emphasises that successful people never stop learning
The world we live in is fast-paced and dynamic; so it’s essential to expand your knowledge so that you can move forward despite diverse changes and stay on top. Otherwise, the rest of the world will forge ahead and leave you behind. That’s why continuous learning is important.
Because of today’s dynamism, information is now more accessible and there are greater opportunities to learn than ever before. That’s why we have to invest quality time on learning. The knowledge you gain doesn’t always have to be something profound – even the little things you learn will probably come in handy someday.
Continuous learning leads to an expansion of knowledge that results in self-growth, which is important because it’s one of the keys to success.
Let’s dive into how continuous learning contributes to growth and improvement.
In today’s fast-paced and dynamic milieu, change is always taking place and with it come many challenges. But change also presents fresh opportunities. Therefore, to face these tests and seize the chances there are, it’s important to know how to navigate and adapt to challenges, as well as avail ourselves of the benefits that arise from them.
Learning is one of the few things that makes adapting to change less complicated – because through it you acquire knowledge, skills, techniques, information and novel ways of doing things.
All this comes in handy and prepares you to face the trials that life throws at you, as well as seize the prospects that accompany them. If you don’t continue to learn, you’ll be left with only challenges and no solutions to manage them.
Gaining knowledge amounts to eventual growth and improvement. Regardless of your profession, role or field of study, learning is the key to development. The moment you think you know it all is when your personal and professional growth comes to a stop.
As Albert Einstein once said, “once you stop learning, you start dying.” If you’re not convinced that continuous learning is most important, here are a few reasons that may help you to change your mind…
SELF-INVESTMENT Knowledge is one of the most significant investments one can make because it means investing in yourself. The more you learn and expand your knowledge, the greater the investment. And the best thing about it is that you will never lose such knowledge.
PERSONAL UPLIFTMENT Continuous learning helps you to grow into being a well-rounded person – by boosting your confidence, improving your communication skills, shaping your mindset and helping you to be more consistent. It also helps develop not only your existing talents but acquire new skills as well.
PROACTIVE OUTLOOK If you develop a love for learning, you’d tend to become more proactive in your professional life as well as the personal side of things. This will help you react to changes and challenges more quickly and effectively – because you now have the knowledge and skills needed to navigate such situations.
SELF-PREPARATION Developing a mindset for continuous learning makes you better prepared to face challenges that come your way as it keeps you relevant and increases your adaptability. Both of these are essential in challenging situations.
competitive advantage Learning helps you gain a competitive advantage that helps you to stay ahead of the pack and have a game changing advantage. Not only does knowledge keep you relevant, flexible and well-rounded, it also allows you to be more innovative and creative while opening more doors.
HEALTHY MINDSET Active learning plays a vital role in promoting brain health. The brain is an organ that doesn’t stop growing. In the same way you do physical workouts for your muscles, your brain also needs regular exercise to stay healthy and active. It also helps boost your happiness.
It is no secret that some of the most successful people in the world – such as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Warren Buffett – have learnt a lot outside formal education settings. It’s this love for continuous learning that has helped them build successful businesses.
As Buffett says, “the greatest investment a young person can make is in their own education, in their own mind …What you learn once stays with you forever.”
Learning bestows you with the knowledge you need to build confidence, help you become a leader, be an outstanding performer and succeed in all areas of life. It creates a desire to try and constantly improve – both in your professional and personal life. Knowledge is indeed a worthy investment, which is why successful people never stop learning.
Therefore, it is safe to say that ‘knowledge is power.’ Let’s conclude by considering the words of Mahatma Gandhi who once suggested: “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
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