Q: Could you tell us about the evolution of Basilur Tea?

A: Over a decade ago, I had a strong vision of giving the entire world the gift of Ceylon Tea, which is a unique product that can create great value in the global market. I wanted to go about this in a special way with tea becoming more than a beverage – an experience.

I partnered with a leading creative director internationally and produced some of the best tea designs, ideal for gifting. As a result, Basilur Tea was launched in 2007, followed by acceptance from consumers for its unique products.

We always try to set new trends in the tea industry, driven by high creativity and innovation, taking the brand to an international level and competing in the premium tea gifting category.

Our uniqueness in packaging and tea blends has positioned our products as a premium range globally. The number of accolades received both locally and internationally are a testimony to our brand’s success story.

Q: What are your unique products on offer?

A: We try our best to make our entire product offering very premium. Therefore, we use only the highest quality Ceylon teas for our products.

One of the unique points of Basilur Tea is the freshness of all teas obtained for production. We never store produced tea; instead, we follow the just in time process where we procure fresh tea for any order we receive and freshly pack it too.

We offer a variety of products to our consumers, ranging from executive high-end, everyday and season specific gifts to a range of teas ideal for daily consumption for a different experience.

Tea connoisseurs around the world regard Basilur teas as having their own uniqueness, characteristics, taste notes and aroma. From deep dark brews to teas similar to the characteristics of fine champagne, the endless varieties are nature’s most precious gifts, which are offered by our brand.

Q: In your opinion, what export markets must tea industry players focus on going forward?

A: The first point is to explore markets where tea consumption is growing steadily. Emerging economies with a rising middle to upper class often represent opportunities.

However, one could look for even more lucrative fields like health and wellness trends, and markets that appreciate premium and speciality or artisan teas. And even highlighting sustainable and ethical practices in tea production could be appealing.

Q: What are the key challenges faced by the tea industry?

A: The tea industry faces various challenges such as regional, market segment and specific business models. Tea cultivation is sensitive to climate change and weather volatility. Changes in temperature, precipitation patterns and extreme weather events can impact tea yields and quality.

The cost of tea production can increase due to labour costs, energy prices and fluctuations in currency exchange rates, having an indirect impact on the final price.

Many tea producing regions experience challenges related to labour shortages. The quality of labour can impact the efficiency and effectiveness of tea cultivation and processing.

The tea industry also competes with a wide range of beverages including coffee, soft drinks and various health drinks.

Adapting to changing consumer preferences and trends is crucial. Furthermore, increasing awareness of environmental and social sustainability issues creates a direct impact.

It will be crucial for all production facilities to keep pace with technological advancements in agriculture, processing and packaging for us to stay competitive as an industry.

– Compiled by Allaam Ousman


Telephone: 2549500/2549600 | Email: info@basilurtea.com/marketing@basilurtea.com | Website: www.basilurtea.com