Vinura Jayewardene

In conversation with Nimanthi Bandaranayake


Born on
29 July 1997

Alma mater
Stafford International School

Family members
Dad (Ranjit) and Mum (Mala)

Wanted to be
A pilot

An engineer

What drives you?
The ability to give back to the environment and people

And what fuels your creativity and passion?
Going against conventional norms

Moments you would like to go back to
My time at university

Best advice received
Don’t be afraid to speak the truth


Likes to play
Basketball, badminton and cricket

Likes to watch

Most unforgettable event
Last day of school

Your life in a movie title
Unknown (starring Liam Neeson)

Unexpected source of inspiration
Dr. Jordan B. Peterson’s lectures 

Role model
My dad

Proudest achievement
Graduating as an engineer from the University of Southampton

How this was achieved
Thanks to the wonderful support system provided by both my colleagues and family


Daily practice
Praying before bedtime

Most hated chore
Washing the car

Impressed by
Professional athletes

Happy place

A unique talent or hobby

Most adventurous item on your bucket list
Bungee jumping

Goal on your bucket list following retirement
Move to a rural area – preferably upcountry – with my family

Music you enjoy
Music from the 1980s and ’90s

Most transformative book you’ve read
How to Avoid a Climate Disaster (by Bill Gates)

A little-known fact about you
I spend a considerable amount of time cooking

What legacy do you hope to leave behind?
Being someone who consistently brought a unique perspective to the table

Advice to younger self
Be patient and do not overanalyse situations


Day of the week


Chill out spot
The hill country in Sri Lanka

Work wear
Oxford shirts and chino pants

Leisure wear
Shirts and jeans

Rolex, Tommy Hilfiger, Ralph Lauren, Mercedes-Benz and Apple

Difficult one – Sri Lankan and Japanese

Anything that doesn’t contain sugar

Local holiday destinations
The hill country and anywhere with a cool climate

International holiday destinations
Spain, Italy and Malaysia

Yumi, Cheers Pub and Golf Club

12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos (by Jordan B. Peterson)

“Life is a tragedy when seen in closeup but a comedy in longshot.” – Charlie Chapli

Local sportsperson
Sanath Jayasuriya

International sportsperson
Lionel Messi

Likely retirement destination
Sri Lanka


When you dance, you look like…
A person on stilts

The first thing you notice about someone
The way he or she speaks

You know it’s going to be a bad day when…
Your phone didn’t charge overnight

You’re challenged by…
The constant demand for achievements

Recently laughed out loud when…
I met a few of my close friends from school (which is usually the case)

Saddened when…
People are insincere and reluctant to acknowledge the accomplishments of others

Love has the power to…

Happiness is when…
You have peace of mind

Sri Lanka will have a chance to develop when…
More entrepreneurs surface and citizens (irrespective of external factors) follow an ethical path in their day-to-day activities while upholding integrity

The world is…
Changing at an unbelievably rapid pace economically, environmentally and socially

Message of positivity
A diamond gets its sparkle from the pressure it endures – if you keep a rock away from pressure, you keep it from becoming a diamond

Goal you have for the future
To get to a point in life where I feel content


Memory skills on a scale of 1-10

Most productive in the morning, noon or night
Usually none… but it has mostly been in the night

Tea or coffee
Tough one but based on the numbers it is tea

Savoury or sweet dishes
Savoury – 100 percent

Eating outside or cooking at home
Cooking at home

Most delightful word you can think of

Fictional character you’d like to have as your mentor
Raymond Reddington (played by James Spader) from The Blacklist

Documentaries, fictional TV series or reality shows
TV series

Solitude and quiet moments – or social gatherings and parties
A mix of both

A day at the spa, a cosy day at home or an adventurous getaway
A cosy day at home

Coastal, mountainous or desert landscapes as vacation destinations
Mountainous landscapes

Your most used word or phrase
Thank you

Workout preferences
Weight training and playing basketball

Motto in life
You can be a lot of things in life but one thing you must be is a good human being