Q: What is the main challenge facing women who aspire to reach the top in the corporate world?

“As women, we are great multitaskers and make better leaders; but are we doing enough to further our own cause? And are we doing too much, simply because of the expectation of us to be great multitaskers? For instance, in this day of equality and diversity, gender should be irrelevant at home – and as such, shouldn’t responsibilities at home be shared within families? In the corporate context, the focus should be on making workplaces work for everyone’s success. Together, both men and women can work alongside each other to fix this. Therefore, it is time that we take this first step, and look at a new horizon where we show the next generation of women and girls, and boys and men, what it means to be equal and how it looks to be fair.

Nilusha Ranasinghe

Head of South Asia
Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)