Q: In your view, has the aragalaya led to a united Sri Lanka – and if so, is this unity sustainable?
A: The aragalaya is a moment that will go down in our country’s history – people from all walks of life have joined together to show their disapproval of the executive. This includes people of all castes and creeds.
In my view, Sri Lanka was awakened this year in a way that connected each other to our struggles despite our differences. It was a unity that transcended the communal acts of violence from our past. I believe this unity is sustainable, and must continue if Sri Lanka is to heal as a nation.

Legal Research Officer (and pursuing his bar examination)

It’s easy to look at the situation around us and desire to leave this country forever. But if those who could build Sri Lanka to be better than what it is today leave, how much longer will it be before Sri Lanka achieves its true potential?

Trevor Noah – He grew up with the cards stacked against him. He was literally born in apartheid South Africa. Despite all the reasons he was given that life would be hard, he made his own destiny and created a life of inspiration. Today, he is one of the most influential people in the world.