Q: In your view, has the aragalaya led to a united Sri Lanka – and if so, is this unity sustainable?
A: Yes, it has provided a common ground to stand in solidarity.
I strongly believe that this unity would be sustainable despite the different ideologies – if we all continue to support and participate in the collective goal of wanting a corruption free, transparent, accountable, educated, non-narcissist, just, non-violent and accountable political system to be put in place, to build a diverse and inclusive nation.

IT Consultant (Infor M3)

It is our responsibility to contribute towards peacefully rebuilding a promising future for our children and the generations to come.

Prashan De Visser – After the civil war, he voluntarily committed to work with youth from various backgrounds locally (through Sri Lanka Unites), expanding globally (through Global Unites) for youth led reconciliation transforming conflict.
His work towards peace building in Sri Lanka, breaking through ethnic conflict to heal the nation with hope, inspires me. And despite all the heights he has reached, he has constantly demonstrated humbleness and integrity.