Compiled by Nicola Jayasundera


Ahmed Umar Asri is taken aback by the wave of migration from Sri Lanka

Q: What’s the good, the bad and the ugly in Sri Lanka today?

A: Among many other attractions that it can boast about, Sri Lanka’s cuisine is authentic. It covers a wide range of delicious dishes that are a reflection of the country’s diverse culinary influences and traditional cooking techniques. What is particularly delectable are the hoppers, which are made from rice flour and coconut milk.

As for what’s bad, the prevailing political system is corrupt; the younger generation must get involved politically.

What makes Sri Lanka ugly is that people are migrating en masse in search of greener pastures. A Sri Lankan should always be proud to be living in a beautiful country such as ours – one that’s blessed with so many resources.

People need to serve their motherland and give back over and above what it gave them. Migration is not the solution; people should support the nation and help it emerge from the multiple crises it’s been facing for some time.

Q: So what are the other challenges facing our country at this time, in your view?

A: Sri Lanka urgently needs to achieve financial stability as many of its citizens are facing extreme hardships due to the economic crisis.

Corruption is rampant and I truly wish we could live peacefully in a corruption free country without any stress or hassle.

And with AI taking over jobs, unemployment may also increase in the near future.

Q: Do you believe that all Sri Lankans will be united one day – and if so, how and why?

A: It’s very possible that Sri Lanka will be united when people join together to solve the common problems they face. A sense of humanity is lacking in society as technology has taken over the world and turned it into a global village.

Q: Where do you see yourself in 10 years’ time?

A: I wish to serve the people. As a leader, I wish to be able to identify people’s problems by engaging with them – and helping them build their startups to scale. I also wish to encourage and motivate people by becoming a mentor.

Q: And where do you see Sri Lanka in a decade or so from today?

A: I hope that in a decade, Sri Lanka will be a moderately developed country at least.

If the younger generation is allowed to enter politics and given the opportunity to steer its development in the right direction, there’s a chance that Sri Lanka will be able to develop. As a citizen of Sri Lanka, I’d like to see my country’s future being determined by its youth.

Q: Who is responsible for climate change and global warming, in your opinion – and what must be done about these issues?

A: Climate change and global warming are impacting the lives of everyone in the world today.

Humans as well as increased levels air pollution are responsible for this situation. We must hold ourselves accountable for the conservation of nature and protection of the environment; and we need to be more vigilant in our duty towards the planet.

Q: How do you view the growing importance of social media today?

A: Everyone is on one social media platform or another these days. Social media is the first option that comes to mind when seeking to expand one’s network and forge fresh connections in any field.

If it is used intelligently and responsibly, it can generate much success. However, there is both good and bad in social media, and most people are aware it.

Q: And finally, where do you see the world in 10 years’ time?

A: Artificial intelligence may take over the world in the next decade or so – and technology will dominate our lives like never before. It’s also possible that we will literally be enslaved by AI – and we may even lose the connections we have with people who live among us.

Robots will be found in every corner of the world, and many of us will be ousted from our jobs if we’re engaged in manual labour.

As a result of technological advancements nevertheless, medical science will progress and be better able to help humanity. And people will definitely be more health conscious and look to live longer.