What’s a good company for commercial grade chillers? Where do I find the cheapest Chia seeds? What is the difference between Chia and Basil seeds? Can they be substituted? Does anyone have a good recipe for dahl? Would anyone be interested in my new cheesecakes for sale; would you like to sign up for preorders? Simply sign up to The Pantry on Facebook.
Sherryl Muthuwady and Dush Ratnayake realized they needed to form group in Sri Lanka bringing together all people interested in food, creating a community and the free flow of ideas of like minded people whether you are boiling your first egg or you are a seasoned professional in the food industry. This is a forum to bounce ideas, share your stories, peddle your wares, channel your questions, highlight your recommendations; it is an open and welcoming environment for everyone.
The Pantry will also content create in the future and feature restaurant reviews and fun competitions. Check them out in Facebook today.