MAYDAY ON MAY DAY! In this ‘Wonder of Asia,’ the universal celebration of working people – the ‘working class,’ as they’re widely known – is being progressively turned upside down with the rise of the ‘political class’ and their penchant for using not only the occasion, but also designated places around where we work and live, to indulge in yet another bout of self-praise… and promise the moon to the party faithful and presumably others who come to town at their invitation.

The only promise that is always met by these miscreants however, is that F&B will be on the house!

So in this election year, we watched our politicians wearing (and showing!) their colours in style while as the Sunday Times’ Sunday Punch column noted, the Colombo Municipal Council’s (CMC) “labourers turned up early for work [the next day] to clean the rubbish that politicians and party devout had left behind.”

In fact, as the column notes, they had turned up early on 1 May to clean the streets for the motley crews and their supporters, before they appeared in their SUVs, trucks and buses.

The Mayday call on May Day therefore, should be about how just about everything in our precious land is politicised by men and women who continue to navigate a sinking ship while they enjoy the trappings on board… at our expense!

Sorry folks, this being an election year is no excuse for your purported show of force – only your henchmen can justify it.

In the meantime, we the people and taxpayers are being held to ransom to vote (in the name of ‘democracy’ – or ‘direct democracy,’ as one party with a chequered and violent history promises!) in an election or elections that are likely to field the same misfits and rogues, flanked by a handful of those who are supposedly clean.

As we keep saying, the circus has become a game of musical chairs that they play every five years!

– Editor-in-Chief