An auspicious event marked the launch of the licenced pathway to Deakin University’s esteemed Bachelor of Software Engineering and Bachelor of Data Science degrees at Royal Institute of Colombo (RIC).

Attended by luminaries – including G. T. Bandara, Chairman of RIC; Dr. Nirodha Bandara, Academic Director of RIC; Prof. Bas Baskaran, Pro Vice-Chancellor of International Research Partnerships at Deakin University, Australia; and other dignitaries from Deakin University, Australia – the occasion showcased the collaborative synergy between academia and industry.

Prof. Robin Doss – Director of the Centre for Cyber Resilience and Trust at Deakin University, Australia – underscored the importance of nurturing talent in the fields of technology and engineering.

Distinguished global business leader and former Chief Operating Officer of Virtusa Keith Modder lent his insights on the evolving industry landscape.

Representatives from Deakin International, Sri Lanka Country Office, as well as delegates from international and national schools of Sri Lanka participated in the event.

The launch garnered widespread attention, drawing academics, corporate leaders, media representatives, students, parents and other esteemed guests. This milestone reaffirms the commitment to advancing education and fostering international partnerships, promising a brighter future for aspiring technologists.

In a remarkable move to further reach out in a globally connected world, RIC and Deakin University, Australia are now offering an international transfer programme for a four year undergraduate degree in software engineering and three year degree in data science.

Through this programme, students will be able to study the first two years of Deakin’s software engineering degree or first year of Deakin’s data science degree at RIC before transferring to Deakin University, Australia to complete the last two years.

While at RIC, students will follow the same Deakin curriculum from day one and upon completion of all course requirements, graduate with a Bachelor of Software Engineering (Honours) or Data Science from Deakin University, Australia.

The trusted partnership between RIC and Deakin has paved the way to provide different opportunities and unique experiences for students in Sri Lanka.

‘Co-teaching’ is one such initiative that gives RIC students the opportunity to learn face to face from Australian lecturers from Deakin University. This Academic Mentorship Programme enriches the overall student experience with high quality teaching and learning support from faculty and staff from both RIC and Deakin University.

With this initiative, there will be no gap in students’ learning outcomes and they will arrive in Australia with similar academic learnings received had they started the same programme at Deakin in the first year.

This simply ensures better academic success for students with global careers and an education that saves them substantial costs while getting the Australian learning experience in their home country.

Students in the RIC-Deakin pathway can save up to 60 percent of the tuition expenses of the software engineering degree and up to 40 percent of the tuition expenses of the data science degree when compared to starting at Deakin University directly.

With a Deakin undergraduate degree, students are able to build a strong career foundation with a learning approach that puts emphasis on hands-on and practical experience to be job ready.

Deakin University’s ranking among other international universities adds further value to students:

  • Top one percent of universities worldwide, according to the 2022 Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU).
  • Victoria’s No. 1 public university for educational experience, teaching quality and student support, according to the 2021 Student Experience Survey, Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT).
  • The No. 1 Victorian university for student satisfaction, according to the Australian Graduate Survey 2010-15 and Graduate Outcomes Survey (GOS) 2016-22, QILT.
– Compiled by Ruwandi Perera


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