Royal Institute of Colombo (RIC) has marked a milestone and set another world-class academic benchmark with six ‘World Toppers’ at the University of London Examinations in May 2022.

RIC is celebrating 31 years of excellence in providing degrees from the University of London with academic direction by the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), which ranks third in the world for social sciences according to the QS World University Rankings 2022.

Outstanding students and their achievements

Fathima Yumna Fazal from BSc Data Science and Business Analytics awarded the World Prize for Information Systems Management.

Tharindhi Devindhya Jayawardena from BSc Economics and Finance (Path B) awarded the World Prize for Monetary Economics.

Aishwarya Ravinthiran from BSc International Relations awarded the World Prize for Introduction to International Development.

Rozenna Christene Rathnathunge from BSc Management and Digital Innovation awarded the World Prize for Management and Innovation of e-business.

Fathima Shafeeka Nisthar from BSc Data Science and Business Analytics awarded the World Prize for Statistical Methods for Market Research.

Pulani Hasanga Kandage from BSc International Relations awarded the World Prize for International Organisations.

In addition, RIC also received four Academic Achievement Awards and 12 Letters of Commendation. Academic Achievement Awards are given annually to selected students who have performed best in their degree/diploma programmes worldwide.

Likewise, Letters of Commendation are given for good performance to potential prize winners.

Akshayvisnu Ramanathan has achieved the Academic Achievement Award for BSc Data Science and Business Analytics for the second year in a row.

World Toppers share their experiences

Aishwarya Ravinthiran says: “International development is an interesting subject and I thoroughly enjoyed learning about it. I didn’t anticipate receiving a good grade let alone a world prize because the exam was challenging and the papers are marked by lecturers from the University of London.”

She adds: “I feel extremely lucky and grateful for this award, and would like to thank my family and friends for their love and support. Further, I appreciate my lecturer’s feedback as it helped me get through the essay writing process.”

Pulani Kandage notes: “At the outset of my journey, I didn’t know what I was doing. I didn’t necessarily have a plan and it constantly felt as if I’d been thrown in the deep end. However, I was very lucky to have lecturers at RIC who guided me every step of the way. I was constantly engaging with the material, and building lists of questions and answers; and was fortunate that my lecturers endured my incessant queries and arguments with the patience of saints.”

She continues: “Having friends who understood exactly what I was going through also helped a lot. We were able to keep each other productive, vent our frustrations, commiserate and feed into each other’s positivity. I had an amazing support system throughout and was determined to block out anything that would have been a distraction.”

Pulani adds: “I found people who brought out the best in me. We all went through a lot, from the pandemic to fuel shortages, power outages, political upheaval and personal crises. Yet, we all showed up and did the best we could each day. This helped me focus on what was important to me – honouring the support of everyone who stood by me and the efforts of my younger self.”

RIC’s historic lineup of World Prizes and Academic Achievements

RIC has produced numerous World Prize Winners for several years. In 2021 alone, RIC produced seven World Toppers across the Economics, Management, Finance and Social Sciences (EMFSS) Programme.

Likewise, five law students received Certificates of Excellence for achieving the top three marks in a module globally; three law students received the Level 4 Achievement Award; five BSc/CHESS students received three Country Prizes (including the highest performer in Sri Lanka, Pakistan and India); 11 BSc/CHESS students received Letters of Commendation and five best performers received Academic Achievement Awards for their degree/diploma programmes.

Moreover, 13 brilliant EMFSS students were the recipients of the Highest Marks Worldwide Award. In the same year, a new ‘Special Topper Award’ was introduced by the University of London to honour five RIC students who scored the highest marks in mathematics globally.

Students who receive Academic Achievement Awards showcase the best global performance for the year in their relevant academic programme while Letters of Commendation are awarded to acknowledge exceptional overall results. The LSE Scrolls were awarded to our students by the University of London in appreciation of their tireless efforts.

A plethora of opportunities await

As the students have worked tirelessly towards achieving their goals, guided by an expert panel of lecturers at RIC, as well as family and friends, they have been rewarded for their diligence and dedication.

Such prestigious recognition by the University of London is no easy feat and it opens up many avenues for our students to pursue their education up to doctoral level at world renowned universities, in addition to employment and entrepreneurial opportunities.

We take great pride in our academic excellence, and this is reflected in the quality and extraordinary results of our students. These achievements testify to the hard work and dedication of our students, and symbolise their immense potential.

And we offer this advice to our students – keep moving forward in life and achieve all your dreams through your hard work. Congratulations and bravo to our high achievers!

– Compiled by Ruwandi Perera



