Do right

Do the right thing even when no one is looking

No matter who is watching or not, this righteous person will always engage in actions that are right

Right or wrong is an individual’s perception. What one thinks is right could be perceived as wrong by -another. However, there are accepted behaviours and actions that are defined as ‘right,’ which build the -value system of an individual, a family and a community.

These values set the bedrock of a society, for it to progress.

To do the right thing always – and being conscious to do so always – calls for a righteous mind and self- discipline. Individuals must take owner-ship for their actions while -doing the right thing and be able to correct a wrong in the interest of -ensuring that a wrongdoer treads the right path.

An individual who embraces the right values, deeds and words, -unquestionable integrity and ethical behaviour will always tread the right path; he or she will be progressive and a guiding light to others.

No matter who is watching or not, this righteous person will always -engage in actions that are right.

As individuals, we have a responsibility and an obligation to be righteous people, and inculcate the -required values to build a righteous society; and to this end, civil society – especially educators and key opi-nion leaders – has a role to play.

Civic consciousness and doing right isn’t for -others to see. It is about an individual embracing these values or qualities. You need not impress -others; simply impress yourself as this will be the guiding light to playing your part in transforming our society.

This is when one progresses as an individual – and collectively, all such individuals will make for a progressive community, society and country.

So let each and every one of us play our part in laying the foundation for a journey to make our country a better place… for us and future generations.

Arjuna Herath
Former Senior Partner and Consulting Leader
EY Sri Lanka and Maldives