PLC Matara gives helping hand for students in Matara area

PLC Matara presented shoes and school stationery for the students in Matara area for the 4th consecutive year. Programme took place on the 31st January 2018 at the branch premises, benefiting 150 students of low income households.

Event was graced by Mrs. Waruni Bogahawatta – OIC of Children and Women Bureau, Police Station, Matara.

Students were given gift vouchers for stationery and footwear for the new school term and also a sum of Rs. 500/= was deposited in their ‘Senehasa’ minor savings accounts.

PLC Matara Branch Manager, Mr.  Pradeep Serasinghe said he and the branch officials derived great satisfaction by organizing this program.

“This is the 4th consecutive year that we organize ‘Sip Saviya’ and this year we could approach 150 financially disadvantage students. I am appreciative of the fact that our branch staff voluntarily dedicated more than 228 volunteered hours to make this initiative a great success”.

“A single parent or a guardian of a child cannot afford the annual book list. Often children quit schooling due to financial limitations. We should appreciate the generosity demonstrated by PLC Matara branch every year investing on our future generation.” said Mrs. Waruni Bogahawatta – OIC of Women & Child Bureau, Matara.

People’s Leasing Company was commissioned in 1995 as a wholly owned subsidiary of the biggest state bank in Sri Lanka, the People’s Bank. PLC is currently the market leader in the non-bank finance sector in Sri Lanka.

Fitch Rating Lanka has assigned PLC a credit rating of AA (lka) which makes PLC the highest rated finance company in the country. PLC is the only Sri Lankan finance company to have two international ratings of which one is equal to the Sovereign from Standard & Poor’s (‘B+/B’) and the other is one notch below the Sovereign from Fitch Rating International (‘B’).

PLC’s financial service product portfolio includes; leasing, fixed deposits, saving accounts, personal and business loans, margin trading, factoring and Islamic financial services.

People’s Leasing conglomerate consists of five subsidiaries namely, People’s Insurance PLC, People’s Microfinance Ltd, People’s Leasing Property Development Ltd, People’s Leasing Fleet Management Ltd and People’s Leasing Havelock Properties Ltd.

The uniqueness of PLC is its strength and the stability to provide diverse financial solutions under one roof to its customers, thus enabling the customers to obtain convenient and customer friendly services.