Making incremental changes in life

BY Archana Law

Author Tim Lavender says that “if you don’t change your grip, you’re as good as you’ll ever be. Nothing else I tell you will matter if you don’t change your grip.”

Lavender – a renowned baseball player – was invited by a friend to play golf. Not having picked up a golf club before, and being used to the 10 finger baseball grip, Lavender informed his coach that he couldn’t change.

To his utter surprise, the coach asked him to stop all lessons till he was ready to change his grip!

And so it is with life too; perhaps the first change needs to be in how we think.

Life is a journey and we often find ourselves yearning for transformation, and seeking ways to enhance our wellbeing, happiness and quality of life. We all have dreams, aspirations and goals that we want to achieve in life.

Whether it’s landing your dream job, becoming healthier, improving your relationships or reaching a state of financial stability, making major life changes can feel daunting. However, the path to success often begins with small incremental steps.

Small changes lead to great outcomes because of the power of compounding; and we will be able to see its effects in our habits too. Here are some pointers…

MANAGE INERTIA When faced with a massive goal, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and paralysed by the enormity of the task. Starting small allows you to break down your goal into manageable and less intimidating parts. This helps you overcome the initial inertia and take that first crucial step.

BE CONFIDENT Achieving small milestones boosts your confidence and self-esteem. It reinforces the belief that you can make progress and encourages you to continue working toward your larger objectives.

DEVELOP HABITS Make small changes in your daily routine – and make a habit of practising them. Identify those that you’d like to cultivate or break, and start with modest adjustments such as committing to a short daily walk to become more physically active and increasing the distance gradually.

THINK POSITIVE Changing your life often begins with small shifts in perspectives. Start by focussing on the positive aspects of your life and being mindful of negative thought patterns. As you cultivate a more positive outlook, you’ll find that your overall wellbeing improves.

DON’T CLUTTER A cluttered environment can lead to being stressed and overwhelmed. Set aside a few minutes each day to declutter a specific area of your home or office. This not only creates a more organised and peaceful environment but also helps you develop the habit of tidiness.

STAY HEALTHY Small dietary changes can have a big impact on your health and energy levels. Begin by incorporating one healthy food item or eliminating one unhealthy item from your diet each week. Gradually, your diet will evolve into being healthier, and you’ll feel more energised and vibrant.

KEEP LEARNING Never stop learning and growing. Dedicate a few minutes each day to reading or learning a new skill. Over time, this daily commitment will accumulate into a wealth of knowledge and personal development. Remember, it’s the small consistent steps that lead to significant change.

BE GRATEFUL Practising gratitude can transform your life by shifting your focus from what’s lacking to what you have. Take a moment each day to reflect on the things you’re grateful for. Maintaining a ‘gratitude journal’ can be a simple but powerful way to instil this practice into your daily routine.

SPEND SENSIBLY Financial stress can be a source of anxiety and unhappiness. Transform your life by making small changes to your financial habits. Create a budget, save a little each month and be mindful of your spending. Over time, these small financial adjustments can lead to a more secure and stress free financial future.

BUILD RELATIONS Building and maintaining meaningful relationships is crucial for a fulfilling life. Begin by reaching out to a friend, family member or colleague. A little effort can strengthen your connections and contribute to your overall happiness.

VALUE SELF-CARE Self-care isn’t selfish; it’s essential for personal growth and wellbeing. Devote a small part of your day to self-care activities – be it meditation, a bubble bath, a good book etc. These moments of self-nurturing can help you recharge and maintain bala­nce in your life.

Small changes may seem insignificant in the short term but they can create a ripple effect that transforms your life over time. If all you could achieve was an improvement of one percent every day, then the impact at the end of the year would be quite substantial as against being in the same place with no improvement.

Remember that the journey of personal growth is ongoing, and small steps can lead to significant improvements in your wellbeing and happiness.