Manilka Ediriweera believes that everyone has a spark of creativity in them

Creativity is often perceived as a rare gift bestowed upon a select few; but it is in fact a universal trait that we all possess. You may be thinking: ‘But I am not an artist so I’m not creative!’ However, the truth is that creativity isn’t something limited to a stage, canvas or manuscript, and it’s not restricted to artists or writers.

It’s seen in the everyday stuff too – such as in product displays at retail stores and the lightning fast decisions you make on the fly.

If you have prepared an amazing marketing plan, found a genius fix for a customer’s problem or gracefully navigated through a tough situation, you’re already tapping into your creativity. And yes, that includes people with their perfectly organised spreadsheets or meticulous data analysis skills!

Your unique expressions of creativity are also as valid and impactful.

So the next time you’re tempted to label yourself as not being ‘creative,’ remember that creativity is a pervasive force that influences every aspect of our lives, shaping how we approach life, its challenges and our choices.

However, we often mix up creativity with being arty or view it as an intellectual process. When it comes to creativity however, that’s simply scratching the surface.

Creativity is many things; it’s about levelling up, standing out, bringing fresh ideas to the table, being your authentic self or even looking at the world and perceiving it in new ways. It’s not something that can be boxed in… and that’s the beauty of it!

So if you feel that you have the potential to be creative but don’t know where to start or how to nurture your creativity, here are four easy steps that can get you started on this exciting journey.

TAKE TIME OUTS With so many things to do, places to be in, deadlines to meet and schedules to maintain, we are constantly on the go. But do you know that the stress, fear and burn out associated with the hustle and bustle of modern life can be pesky roadblocks on the journey to creativity?

So the next time you feel like your creativity is in a rut, take an hour or even a day to stop, do nothing and give your mind time to clear. While creativity isn’t solely dependent on the luxury of time, engaging in this practice periodically can clear the mind and reset your creativity.

EMBRACE THE MESS! Perfectionism is one of creativity’s biggest myths. Why? Because perfectionism and creativity don’t mix; if you’re diving into a creative endeavour with the sole intention of achieving perfection, you might as well pack it in!

Take writing, for example. If you sit at your desk to write but end up thinking about pleasing your audience or coming up with the perfect line, your creativity is bound to be stifled.

Instead, you should write without getting caught up in the idea of achieving perfection. You may not be happy with all the pages you’ve complied but you’ll find specks of gold within them.

Bin the idea of perfectionism, and allow yourself to embrace the mess and imperfections – because you might stumble upon a masterpiece in the making.

JUDGE YOURSELF Ah self-judgement! We have all been there, done that… because let’s face it, it’s easy to get sucked into the black hole of self-judgement.

This is especially true when you’re in the creative trenches. You second-guess every word, decision and brushstroke until you feel like you don’t have an ounce of creativity left in your body.

The thing with creativity is that it’s a journey filled with ups and downs, and it is okay to have doubts along the way. However, don’t allow those doubts to hold you back.

If you made a call that didn’t quite hit the mark, keep in mind that it happens to the best of us. Cut yourself some slack, keep pushing forward and turn off that voice that keeps saying: ‘I can’t… this is silly… it’s a waste of time.’

SHAKE THINGS UP When you are knee-deep in the same old routine – the daily grind – it can suck the life out of your creative genius.

Sounds familiar? If so, it’s time to shake things up!

While it may not be possible to take time off and switch things around entirely, you can make some changes to your routine – for example, by exploring a new hobby, taking off on a hike, spending time in natural surroundings, dining at a new restaurant, working from a cafe or even taking up a new hobby.

Take a moment to embrace the truth: creativity isn’t reserved for a select few. If you are human, you’re creative. Whether you are a budding entrepreneur, a seasoned artist or navigating the twists and turns of life, there are ways to embrace your inner creative genius.

Take those gap days or weeks, silence that inner critic in you, and give yourself permission to stumble and rise again – because creativity is a mindset and journey of discovery.

And it’s time to enjoy it!

Bin the idea of perfectionism