Compiled by Allaam Ousman


Mario Stubbs underlines the main challenges facing the hospitality sector

Q: What are the major leadership challenges facing the hospitality sector? And how can leaders address them?

A: The hospitality sector is currently dealing with numerous leadership challenges and I’ve witnessed this firsthand. One of the main challenges is retaining good employees.

To address this, we need to invest heavily in employee development and creating a supportive work culture. Offering competitive pay and providing clear career growth opportunities are essential strategies.

Another major challenge is the rapid pace of digital transformation. Embracing technology is key to enhancing the customer experience and improving operational efficiency. For example, integrating advanced booking systems, utilising personalised marketing techniques and leveraging data analytics can make a big difference.

Sustainability is a critical challenge that we cannot ignore. Implementing eco-friendly practices, reducing our carbon footprint and promoting local culture align with these commitments.

Q: And what do you believe will be the most significant trends that shape the hospitality sector over the next five years?

A: One of the most impactful trends will be the integration of technology. Imagine checking into your hotel with only your phone, using a digital concierge for all your needs, and enjoying smart room amenities that make your stay more convenient and personalised.

These innovations are not merely about technology – they’re about creating an enjoyable experience for guests.

Sustainability is another area that’s becoming important. It’s not simply about compliance; it is about aligning with the values of guests who want to travel responsibly.

We’re also seeing a rise in experience driven travel. This trend will lead us to create curated itineraries that include local cultural immersion and adventure based activities. With AI driven technologies, we can personalise guest interactions even further.

In addition, there’s a growing focus on wellness tourism. People are more health conscious than ever and they’re looking for hotels that offer wellness amenities.

Q: How has the focus on customer experience evolved in the hospitality sector?

A: Today’s emphasis is on delivering exceptional personalised experiences that leave lasting memories. This shift is driven by online reviews, social media and heightened competition.

To elevate the guest experience, personalisation is paramount. By leveraging data analytics to tailor services to individual preferences, hotels can ensure that each stay feels unique.

However, tech integration plays an equally crucial role. Introducing mobile apps for seamless booking, self-service kiosks and smart room controls enhances convenience and efficiency.

While comprehensive employee training, developing excellent communication skills and a customer centric mindset are essential, recognising the value of guest feedback is equally important.

Actively gathering and analysing insights from surveys, online reviews and social media enable us to identify areas for improvement, and promptly address guest concerns – this will ensure a continuous cycle of guest satisfaction.

Emotional engagement is a cornerstone of our hospitality philosophy. Creating genuine connections with guests through personalised interactions and memorable experiences is key to fostering loyalty and sparking positive word of mouth.

Q: What are the best practices for implementing sustainability initiatives in the sector?

A: Developing a sustainability strategy that aligns with organisational goals and industry standards is essential. This should include clear objectives and targets to track progress effectively.

Engaging stakeholders is key. Involving employees, guests, suppliers and local communities through transparent communication, collaboration and feedback mechanisms ensures that everyone is working together towards common sustainability goals.

Additionally, optimising resource management by implementing energy efficient technologies, water saving measures, waste reduction programmes and sustainable sourcing practices can greatly reduce your environmental footprint.

Compliance with environmental regulations and seeking certifications like Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), Green Globe or EarthCheck can enhance credibility and demonstrate commitment to sustaina­bility.

Q: And how can hospitality businesses integrate CSR into their operations?

A: Integrating CSR into hospitality operations is all about making an impact on the community and environment while also benefitting the business. Moreover, fostering a positive work environment and healthy work-life balance ensures that employees feel valued and motivated.

Ethical practices are essential too: transparency, ensuring fair trade practices and maintaining an ethical supply chain build trust – with both customers and partners.

Displaying a genuine commitment to CSR enhances reputation, fostering customer loyalty and attracting socially conscious consumers. A strong social responsibility programme also boosts employee morale and helps retain talent.

The interviewee is the founder and CEO of The Serendipity Collection and The Serendipity Experi­ences, and Managing Director of Sail Lanka Charter.