Q: What are some key milestones and achievements that Fashion Bug has recorded over the past nearly three decades?

A: We were established in 1994 in Bandarawela. That was the first outlet in Fashion Bug’s chain. Our staff strength at the time that we commenced business was 12 members.

We expanded from Bandarawela to Kandy and then Colombo in 1998. Today, we have over 14 outlets across the island, covering Negombo, Moratuwa, Matara and Kurunegala with a staff strength of over 700.

I’m part of the second generation currently in the business. And we’ve expanded our portfolio from clothing and fashion accessories to homeware, which comprises home and living products so that our customers get the full retail therapy experience.

We also launched Fashion Bug Online a few years ago. Moreover, we have a footprint that enables Sri Lankans living overseas to order either for themselves or their family members through our online store.

For three consecutive years, we were recognised among the best places to be employed by earning Great Place to Work recognition in 2018, 2019 and 2020. In addition to this, we succeeded in being recognised among Asia’s ‘Best Places to Work’ and the ‘Best Workplaces For Millennials’ in 2020.

In terms of the community, we established our own CSR foundation in 2013 with Sisu Dirimaga Foundation where we focus on empowering the next generation of students, predominantly conducting workshops and career guidance programmes. To date, we have covered over 180,000 students across a series of schools where the primary focus has been on school infrastructure and education.

For the 13th consecutive year, the Roo Siththam national art competition will be conducted by the foundation and endorsed by the Ministry of Education. It’s a much looked forward to event by students as we get over 80,000 applicants.

We also empower and accommodate SMEs, cottage industries and manufacturers, giving them a helping hand by enabling access to their products in our retail stores.

And we work with the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) in accommodating products made by rehabilitated people recovering from mental illnesses. We retail these products and support NIMH with these funds.

Q: How does Fashion Bug stay ahead of the competition?

A: We undertake continuous research to keep pace with changing consumer needs. With quality being our primary focus, we aim to fulfil customer needs through our products, services and price points with our own unique selling propositions.

Being a fashion store predominantly, we strive to make available the latest styles to the local consumer in keeping with current global trends.

We prioritise ensuring that our customers get the best quality in terms of fabric, these are used to create the most unique styles by our very own design team and making sure the end products are sent to the counters at affordable prices while offering value for money.

Q: And how does Fashion Bug foster a culture of creativity and innovation?

A: We believe that creativity is integral to the growth of Fashion Bug as a brand and for the overall experience of our employees. Therefore, we have an open-door policy when it comes to employee communication. That’s something we’ve always encouraged. As a result, we have better transparency and employees have confidence in the business leaders as well.

Apart from this, we ensure diversity in work teams, and have given them the autonomy to come up with their own thoughts and ideas to help them work in a very collective environment.

We also recognise employee talent by awarding and recognising such talent at our Awards Day celebrations.

Moreover, we invest in learning and development in order to equip our employees with the right tools.

Q: What positives do you see in the industry during these challenging economic times?

A: We believe that every challenge can be converted into an opportunity. Innovation and adaptation are the keys when it comes to these challenging times. If you don’t innovate and adapt, you lose out.

The economy has gone through a series of challenges over the last couple of years. It has really been the survival of the fittest. But the challenges have given rise to many opportunities. They have also driven entrepreneurs like ourselves to really push beyond our comfort zones and be innovative in everything we do.

Q: Could you outline the organisation’s future plans?

A: Our consumers are changing constantly and we have in place a plan to rapidly shift our offering to be in line with our future consumer through expansion. In favour of this, we plan to introduce new brands catering to a broader segment of customers in the future while expanding the product ranges of existing brands.

– Compiled by Allaam Ousman

Shabier Subian


Telephone:2809900 | Email:info@fashionbug.lk | Website:www.fashionbug.lk