In this digital age, technological evolution plays a significant role in catalysing economic development and improving the overall quality of life for citizens in any country. Embracing advancements in technology, especially in crucial sectors such as agriculture and healthcare, holds the potential for sustained economic prosperity in the context of Sri Lanka. In its mission to fuel the dreams and aspirations of the nation, DIMO showcases the transformative power of technology in driving economic progress.

Recognising ‘low productivity’ as one of the major challenges in the agriculture sector, caused by poor management practices, limited adoption of technology and high production costs, DIMO’s agriculture arm DIMO Agribusinesses introduced a range of next generation agriculture solutions to transform the sector and enhance crop productivity, which is currently below 50 percent of its potential.

In collaboration with the Department of Agriculture, DIMO Agribusinesses has initiated seed breeding technologies in its techno parks to develop local hybrid seed varieties that are systematically tested before being introduced to farmers, ensuring productivity improvements. Optimising resource usage, the company has introduced a seed paddy coating technology, reducing seed broadcasting requirements per acre and facilitating the germination period.

“DIMO Agribusinesses has brought down the world’s premium technologies such as Penergetic technology, which contains natural biotechnology with electromagnetic impulses to enhance soil and crop health; and NEB technology, which focusses on plant root system development, significantly boosting farmer productivity,” says Priyanga Dematawa, Chief Operating Officer of DIMO Agribusinesses.

Gradually shifting away from first-generation fertilisers, DIMO Agribusinesses now offers compound, slow release, coated and biological fertilisers enriched with major micronutrients and performing agents, to improve nutrient uptake and minimise wastage.

Limus® technology, another innovative method introduced to reduce nitrogen loss by up to 98 percent, ensures optimal nitrogen availability for crops and consistent yields. Identifying water as a critical future resource, the company introduced micro-irrigation systems such as sprinkler, drip and subsurface irrigation to maximise water efficiency and support year-round cultivation.

With protected agriculture technologies such as greenhouses and polytunnels, the company promotes crop productivity with less resource exploitation, cost and energy usage, he adds.

The introduction of agriculture drone technology by DIMO Agribusinesses, which facilitates broadcasting seed paddy, applying granular fertilisers, precise aerial pesticide spraying and precision mapping, not only enhances crop management efficiency but also significantly reduces the labour and time required, improving the overall economy of local farmers.

Having the purpose of optimising the entire agricultural value chain and enhancing value addition, DIMO Agribusinesses has introduced advanced food processing technologies for dehydration, commercial juice and pulp preparation, which leverage organic preservation methods while providing opportunities for ‘agripreneurs’ throughout the supply chain, and enhancing market access both locally and internationally.

With these initiatives, DIMO Agribusinesses is not only transforming agriculture in Sri Lanka but also paving the way for sustainable, efficient and profitable farming practices that benefit farmers, communities and the economy as a whole.

Through innovative technologies and sustainable practices, DIMO Agribusinesses is revolutionising Sri Lanka’s agriculture sector, improving the living standards of farmers and contributing significantly to the country’s economic prosperity.

Globally, agriculture is embracing technologies such as drones, GPS, aerial photography, precision farming, AI, robotic systems and blockchain technology. Innovations in hydroponics, vertical farming and soil-friendly fertilisers are becoming commonplace.

DIMO Agribusinesses plans to bring affordable and compatible technological advancements to Sri Lanka to tackle food insecurity and achieve sustainable agriculture. By integrating digital solutions, regenerative agricultural methods and value added processing, DIMO Agribusinesses aims to create a data driven, efficient and profitable agriculture sector, Dematawa adds.

The healthcare sector is another discipline where advancements in technology are driving progress and innovation at an unprecedented rate. DIMO’s healthcare arm DIMO Healthcare, in partnership with leading global tech driven companies such as Siemens Healthineers, Dräger and Zeiss, has introduced a plethora of cutting-edge technologies to the Sri Lankan healthcare sector.

Positioned as an instrumental force in the areas of medical equipment, devices, pharmaceuticals, consumables and contrast mediums, DIMO Healthcare’s comprehensive range of solutions spans radiology, cardiology, ophthalmology, oncology, urology, neonatal care, critical care, anaesthesiology and cardiovascular devices.

Among many impactful contributions, DIMO Healthcare was the first to introduce PET scanners featuring premium LSO-based detector technology to Sri Lanka. This innovation enabled obtaining more precise diagnostic information, enhancing early detection and treatment strategies, thereby significantly improving patient outcomes.

The company also introduced Sri Lanka’s first tomotherapy unit, an image guided radiation therapy for cancer treatment, marking a significant milestone in the country’s oncology care, states Priyantha Dissanayake, Chief Operating Officer of DIMO Healthcare.

In ophthalmology, DIMO was the pioneer in introducing wide-angle fundus phototherapy by Carl Zeiss, allowing for a 133 degree view of the retina without dilation as opposed to the conventional 45 degree angle with dilation, enhancing the early screening of diabetic retinopathy and increasing patient comfort. Additionally, the company introduced the Carl Zeiss Multi-Spot Green Laser therapeutic microscope, which optimises therapeutic treatments for diabetic retinopathy.

The Zeiss Kinevo 900 microscope – DIMO Healthcare’s recent introduction that integrates optical, navigation and simulation information into the surgeon’s eyepiece and operating room monitors, and is assisted by specialised robotic controls – has revolutionised operating theatre procedures.

Moreover, Zeiss Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT) technology for glaucoma management reduces the need for daily medication through a single procedure, significantly improving patients’ quality of life.

Beyond the material breakthroughs, DIMO actively furthers the technological knowledge of local healthcare professionals by engaging with key opinion leaders and clinicians through academic sessions, live demonstrations and collaborations with internationally renowned healthcare professionals.

“DIMO Healthcare’s contributions have significantly improved healthcare access and quality for millions of Sri Lankans. Today, the radiology equipment supplied by DIMO Healthcare serves 525,643 patients per annum while the operating microscopes perform 213,000 surgeries and over 1.5 million diagnostic tests per year. By providing advanced diagnostic and treatment capabilities, DIMO Healthcare empowers medical professionals to achieve better patient outcomes and improve people’s quality of life,” he adds.

The global healthcare sector is witnessing a paradigm shift with the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in specialties such as radiology, pathology and ophthalmology, with potential expansions into oncology, cardiology and neurology. The shift towards AI driven home-based care solutions, such as remote monitoring and virtual assistants, is poised to revolutionise patient care. DIMO Healthcare is strategically positioned to integrate these global technological advancements into the Sri Lankan healthcare system to build a healthier nation, explains Dissanayake.

In conclusion, advanced agricultural techniques enhance productivity and sustainability, ensuring food security and increasing farmers’ incomes; simultaneously, cutting-edge healthcare technologies improve patient outcomes, streamline medical processes and make healthcare more accessible. By leveraging technology, DIMO exemplifies how businesses can help the nation harness the benefits of technological innovation to drive sustainable growth.

– Compiled by Yamini Sequeira