The Pearl Protectors
At a time when the country is reeling from the aftereffects of unsustainable economic practices that were in noncompliance with the core characters of the nation, sustainable green and blue economic strategies will provide healthy and long-term growth to Sri Lanka.
Being an island nation where natural resources are not adequate for the ever increasing population, well planned blue and green economic strategies will provide security for these depleting resources, while enhancing the nation’s GDP growth through the protection and conservation of our environment and ecosystem.
Sri Lanka has the potential to expand its blue economy as its sea comprises a much larger space than the land area. Similar to many small island nations in the world excelling in blue economy strategies, Sri Lanka too can harness its ocean resources while conserving the increasingly threatened marine ecosystem.
This island has some of the largest seagrass areas in the world along with many varieties of mangroves. These serve to increase carbon sequestration in a world where growing carbon emissions are serving as a rapid avenue towards climate change.