Q: How do you see consumers benefitting from your turnkey solution?

Almas Marikkar (AM): Our reputation for trust and credibility has been carefully cultivated over time. And our product offering extends beyond single origin Ceylon teas while our uniqueness springs from tea bush to cup traceability; high sustainability; a value added product range of exquisite tisanes and herbals; and market research and product positioning, along with a dynamic team.

We provide exclusive collections (brands such as Bogawantalawa Limited Edition and Ceylon Tea Gardens) to some of the most luxurious global partners for whom we strive to offer exceptional customer experiences. This makes Bogawantalawa the total value chain partner for discerning brands.

Q: How do sustainability initiatives add to your competitive advantage?

AM: Consider the global priorities today. Governments and corporations are in a race for zero emissions by 2030. Bogawantalawa Teas became carbon neutral in 2017 and climate positive in 2019.

This is a unique position, and we are proud of our accomplishment of becoming the world’s first ‘climate positive tea company,’ something no other brand can offer.

It is also a unique opportunity for customers where every cup they drink has a positive impact on the environment.

Q: But many other tea businesses claim to be similarly sustainable or environmentally-friendly…

AM: Of course, many may label themselves ‘environmentally-friendly’ but none can call themselves ‘climate positive.’ This is not an award we won by luck or chance. There was a lot of hard work, innovation and strategy that went into pioneering this.

Bogawantalawa is the only brand that can back its claim with facts and figures on a global stage as we are compliant with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) well in advance of 2030. Our teas are ‘climate neutral’ certified with 100 percent insetting of carbon emissions right up to the shelf.

Q: Why is sustainability important to Bogawantalawa Teas?

Dr. Thusitha Bandara (TB): Bogawantalawa Teas is deeply committed to sustainability, ingraining it into our core values and operations. This commitment spans social, environmental, and economic responsibilities, aligning with the ‘triple bottom line’ framework. Our sustainability policy guides us in all aspects, from cultivation to marketing, extending this ethos to all stakeholders.

By integrating sustainability into our operations, we foster continual improvement, aiming to lead positive change in the tea industry and communities we serve. Supported by 45 impact drivers and 135 key performance indicators (KPIs), we track measurable progress towards our sustainability goals.

Leveraging sustainability initiatives, we enhance our competitiveness and reputation, meeting the preferences of environmentally conscious consumers. Certifications such as ClimatePositive, Rainforest Alliance and Fairtrade validate our commitment.

Bogawantalawa’s dedication to sustainability safeguards our business interests and solidifies our role as a responsible corporate citizen.

Q: Could you elaborate on your recent sustainability initiatives?

TB: Bogawantalawa Tea Estates demonstrates commitment to sustainability through various initiatives including using renewable energy, practising efficient energy management, adopting regenerative agriculture, and implementing waste and water management strategies.

We also engage in national sustainability programmes and collaborate with government bodies to extend our impact.

Aligned with the SDGs, we contribute to sustainable tea plantation management. These initiatives transformed our business’ performance, leading to tangible benefits such as improved operational efficiency, cost reduction and a positive work environment.

Our commitment has also boosted employee satisfaction, retention and overall productivity, reinforcing long-term resilience and competitiveness. By prioritising environmental preservation, social welfare and ethical governance, Bogawantalawa Tea Estates emerged as a leader in sustainability in the tea industry.

Q: And last but not least, what is the significance of your recent climate positive and carbon neutral certifications?

TB: These mark a significant milestone in Bogawantalawa Teas’ sustainability journey, highlighting proactive efforts to minimise our carbon footprint and offset unavoidable emissions, setting high standards in the industry.

Through investments in carbon insetting initiatives such as renewable energy, agroforestry and soil carbon enhancement, Bogawantalawa not only reduces its carbon footprint but also contributes to environmental conservation, biodiversity preservation and community development.

These certifications open up new market opportunities by appealing to eco-conscious consumers seeking ethically produced and climate neutral tea products. Our involvement in insetting projects and receiving carbon credits reinforces our sustainability efforts.It aligns with our contribution to the SDGs, particularly goals related to climate action, clean energy, sustainable agriculture, and responsible consumption and production.

Telephone: 4789999 | Email: inquiry@bogawantalawa.com | Website: www.bogawantalawa.com