Anantara Peace Haven Tangalle Resort
Anantara Kalutara Resort
Avani Kalutara Resort

Q: What are some unique features that set Anantara Peace Haven Tangalle Resort apart from other destinations?

Roberto Simone (RS): The top three aspects that make Anantara Peace Haven special are its natural environment, characterised by a protected sanctuary and diverse wildlife; a commitment to indigenous experiences, integrating local culture and traits into the resort; and the warm hospitality of the Sri Lankan people, which adds a unique soulfulness to the guest experience.

With 70 percent of the property dedicated to a natural ambience and sense of space, guests consistently praise the immersive experience of being surrounded by the environment.

Q: How does Anantara Kalutara Resort leverage its location between the ocean and a river to provide distinctive experiences for guests?

Keith Tomkies (KT): Our resorts in Kalutara are uniquely positioned between a lagoon and the ocean, offering stunning views and a variety of experiences. Guests can enjoy sunrises over the lagoon and sunsets over the ocean from many rooms.

We maximise this advantage with open spaces for dining and activities – including water sports and fishing in the lagoon.

Q: Could you highlight any outstanding amenities or activities that make Avani Kalutara Resort a memorable choice for travellers?

KT: Our Avani Resort in Kalutara boasts the late Deshamanya Geoffrey Bawa’s tropical modern design, creating a unique atmosphere centred on the swimming pool area. We prioritise vibrant activities and fun in this central space, ensuring all guests experience the lively Avani vibe.

Adjacent to the beach, guests can enjoy popular activities such as the ‘Miracle Dinner,’ a beachfront dining experience. Additionally, our beach offers various activities including the thrilling zip line across the lagoon.

Q: How has Sri Lanka’s economic crisis impacted its journey to gender equity?

RS: In January 2022, the exchange rate in Sri Lanka was US$ 210-220. Only five months later, it escalated to 360 dollars – with inflation soaring to between 40 and 70 percent. This rapid increase in prices affected households and individuals significantly, particularly impacting women due to societal expectations around family responsibilities and professional development.

Despite efforts to promote equality, systemic barriers persist, requiring comprehensive policies to ensure that women have equal opportunities and protections without relying solely on quotas.

KT: In recent years, perspectives worldwide have shifted due to economic challenges. It’s increasingly evident that single income households struggle to survive, necessitating multiple incomes. This has become a major concern for many.

Q: How do you view this year’s International Women’s Day theme of ‘Inspire Inclusion’?

RS: During my nine years in Africa, spanning several countries, I had a pivotal realisation about the importance of women’s education and development. I recognised that educated women tend to plan for the future more thoughtfully.

By investing in basic education and empowering women to make informed choices beyond traditional roles, we can address disparities and foster economic empowerment. However, significant gaps in education still exist globally, particularly affecting women in rural areas.

Despite progress, issues such as gender pay gaps persist worldwide, underscoring the need to provide equal opportunities for women to pursue their aspirations.

Q: Are workplaces in Sri Lanka doing enough to inspire inclusion especially when it comes to women? 

KT: While there has been progress in diversity and inclusion efforts, more can be done –  particularly in recruitment, promotion and evaluation processes, to ensure fairness and equality.

I’ve noticed a growing number of women joining the workforce, benefitting from their natural hospitality skills, which they often excel at demonstrating in the workplace.

RS: Women frequently demonstrate remarkable hospitality skills, which greatly enhance guest experiences. Cultivating diversity and inclusion is vital for nurturing these talents. Offering amenities such as dedicated transportation and accommodation for female colleagues underscores our dedication to their welfare.

We’re proud to support women’s advancement – notably, in pivotal leadership positions in various departments. Whether as marketing directors or power managers in operations, women are not only integrated but empowered to lead in diverse business units.

This unwavering commitment to gender equality stands as a cornerstone of our brand, embodying the values championed by our leadership.

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