For a world grappling with the urgent challenges created by climate change, innovation emerges as a beacon of hope. One such beacon lit by Good Life X (GLX) in partnership with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Climate Adaptation Project is the Sri Lankan Climate Adaptation Accelerator (CAA).

The CAA is an enterprise development programme specifically designed to accelerate early stage businesses into scalable, sustainable and climate resilient enterprises. This programme aims to provide solutions to enhance the adaptive capacity of the agriculture, fisheries and tourism sectors in Sri Lanka. Initiated in September 2022, the CAA represents Good Life X’s pioneering effort in addressing climate adaptation challenges.

This programme comprised two key phases: a rapid and immersive four week boot camp followed by a comprehensive Accelerator phase. This unique approach ensured that participating startups would be equipped with essential skills and have a deep understanding of climate adaptation.

During the boot camp phase in January this year, 20 selected SMEs underwent a diverse range of sessions aimed at enhancing their operational capabilities.

These sessions included aligning product development with market needs, creating sustainable business models that consider long-term impacts on the environment and society, enhancing SMEs’ ability to make a positive difference, stakeholder engagement and addressing climate-related challenges, aligning companies with environmentally responsible practices and emphasising the urgency of climate action.

Following the four week boot camp, 10 outstanding companies were selected from this cohort to advance to the Accelerator phase between February and August.

The Accelerator was structured to provide skills and knowledge, through virtual and in-person training, mentoring and coaching on six additional topics: access to finance and equity; human resource and legal requirements; finance and auditing; climate adaptation technologies; sustainable strategies for climate resilient SMEs; and market access.

This personalised interaction refined business strategies, deepened sector specific insights and integrated cutting-edge climate adaptation technologies. The CAA experience not only equipped startups to navigate climate change challenges but also equipped and empowered them to excel in their industries, and contribute positively to their communities and the environment.

The programme was enriched by the participation of seven local and international experts, each bringing unique insights and knowledge to the table.

The 10 startups included Greenloop Dynamic Solutions (KuluMoto), a company offering eco-friendly zero emission transport solutions; Eco Escape Galle, which works on mangrove conservation and eco-friendly boat safaris; while The Food Things preserves Sri Lankan delicacies without artificial additives.

Meanwhile, Carbon Blueprint focusses on cultivating seaweed to contribute to the blue carbon economy, Térapy Ceylon blends ayurvedic remedies with Ceylon Tea traditions, and The Ceylon Green & Aqua is establishing an organic, sustainable farm near Colombo.

Furthermore, Saruketha Organics crafts homemade organic forest tea and eco-friendly fertiliser; Ilukthenna Plant Nursery specialises in plant and seed production; INOVA Environmental Services is dedicated to waste management and resource recovery, as well as developing biochar, a valuable tool for carbon drawdown and soil moisture retention; and Raawana Agro pioneers hybrid chilli seed production and is expanding its product range.

The CAA programme concluded with a vibrant Demo Day event organised by GLX on 2 August. The Demo Day was the final step of the CAA and served as an opportunity for the companies in the programme to pitch their SMEs, and meet with industry experts, investors, partners and colleagues, to ignite collaboration and partnerships.

Noting the importance of accelerating climate resilient SMEs in tackling climate change, GLX Founder and CEO Randhula de Silva stated: “Climate change, whether we like it or not, is real, and the most urgent threat to food security, biodiversity and livelihoods – in short, to life on earth. This programme was tailored to bring climate adaptation into the hands of entrepreneurs so that our communities and ecosystems stand resilient and thriving amidst the changes.”

Deputy Chief of Mission at the US Embassy in Colombo Douglas Sonnek said at the Demo Day event: “The United States, through USAID, is proud to support the inspiring work of these budding entrepreneurs who promote climate resilient and sustainable enterprises. It’s inspirational to think that one of the greatest challenges facing our world also presents some of the best business opportunities. I’m impressed with the leadership these enterprises have shown in tackling climate change.”

A successful participant entrepreneur of the CAA from the Kegalle District, Anura Premathilaka from Saruketha Organics shared: “I had a dream to promote homemade tea production with small tea holders in my area as a climate adaptation focussed eco-friendly social enterprise. The GLX team and USAID Climate Adaptation project helped me improve my business model. It will also help me to improve the drying technology I’m using. With this support, I am on the right path to achieve my dream.”

The CAA supported by USAID and Good Life X stands as an inspiration in the fight against climate change. Empowering startups to innovate and adapt is a testimony to what collective effort and innovation can achieve. These 10 companies, armed with newfound knowledge and skills, are poised to make a significant impact and contribute to a more sustainable tomorrow.

– Compiled by Tamara Rebeira


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