Q: In your view, has the aragalaya led to a united Sri Lanka – and if so, is this unity sustainable?
A: The aragalaya has united the people without a care as to their cast or creed.
But it has not yet reached the point where all Sri Lankans have handed over their future to the aragalaya, and united as one true voice.

Q: How do you view the aragalaya – and how do you think the voices of the youth should be heard?
A: The young and powerful voices heard day and night at Galle Face, demanding the basic human needs and justice, are the very definition of the aragalaya. Already, their impact has rocked the government to its core but in the future, their voices can only be heard if they also continue their studies.
The greatest long-term impact the youth can have is by achieving their goals and becoming the professionals our country desperately needs and will need in the future, to restore and develop it.

Q: How will you be the change you want to see?
A: Since the country will be unable to find an uncorrupted regime, it is my duty to make an effort to change the system in such a way that it will no longer accommodate any corrupt movements within it.

Q: Where do you see Sri Lanka in a decade from today?
A: Any country facing a severe crisis will have the opportunity to rise under the right leadership and alliances with world organisations. Within the next 10 years, our country will find this, and be set on the right path and develop itself once more.

Whether the expectations of the aragalaya are met completely or not, you must focus on empowering yourselves with the right education and technology to ensure there is no dearth of professionals in the future.

Power crisis
Economic crisis
Desperation of people
Political turmoil
Rising unemployment

Tiger Woods (and his words): “In the game of golf, you may not always reach your intended target but you still have the chance to adapt and adjust accordingly.” I like his philosophy to play the game of life.

Struggles have had an impact, creating changes within the country. Yet, the country needs a constitutional solution to be on a par with the rest of the democratic world.