Sri Lanka Insurance enters into a strategic tie-up with Ceylon Motor Traders Association

Colombo 17th August 2022: The national Insurer Sri Lanka Insurance  enters into a strategic tie up and signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Ceylon Motor Traders Association (CMTA) the representative body of Sri Lanka Automotive industry to provide an exclusive vehicle insurance package for the CMTA members.

The MoU exchange took place between the two parties recently with the participation of Mr.Charaka Perera Chairman of CMTA, Mr.Virann De Zoysa – Senior Vice Chairman of CMTA , Mr.Andrew Perera – Vice Chairman of CMTA, Mr.Chandana L.Aluthgama CEO of SLIC, Ms.Namalee A Silva DGM Marketing/Head of Distribution Life of SLIC, Mr.Mahesh Gamage AGM Category Marketing – General of SLIC.

The strategic tie-up between the two organizations intends to facilitate a comprehensive motor insurance solution for members of the CMTA for the benefit of their customer as well as home insurance or a life insurance solution as well.

Founded in 1920, the Ceylon Motor Traders Association (CMTA) is affiliated to the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce and is widely accepted as the voice of the Sri Lankan Automotive Industry. It is the most senior automotive trade association in the region and represents all major international automotive manufacturers, through their agents. The members of the CMTA collectively employ and train thousands of Sri Lankan citizens while bringing in international best practices in engineering and management, making a talent pool that is trained and employable internationally. Further, the CMTA members have over 7,000 direct employees and have established island-wide dealer networks under them, which is made up of around 3,000 small & medium scale enterprises spread across the island. It is proposed to enter in to a strategic partnership with CMTA to obtain special partnership benefits that can be utilized as value additions for SLIC and its consumers.

Established in 1962, Sri Lanka Insurance Corporation celebrates 60 years of excellence as the largest government-owned insurance company in Sri Lanka, with a managed asset base of over Rs.268 billion and a Life fund of Rs. 152 billion, the largest in the local insurance industry. The insurer is also the first and only local insurer to secure Fitch Ratings AA (lka) rating for its long-term financial stability and sustainability and also Sri Lanka Insurance ranked as the ‘Most Valuable General Insurance Brand’, ‘Most Loved Insurance Brand’ for the 5th consecutive year in the country by Brand Finance. The national insurer is on a mission of being a customer-focused company that constantly innovates in providing insurance services to customers and is now serving customers through an extensive network of over 190 branches and customer service locations.