Adrenaline rush in Kitulgala

Nimanthi Bandaranayake has a heart pounding time in the rainforest

Kitulgala is more than simply a destination. It’s a way of life where adventure isn’t merely an option but a certainty. Nestled in the emerald embrace of Sri Lanka’s rainforest, this enchanting haven serves as a thrilling playground – and it promises fun, excitement and unforgettable experiences.

Picture yourself plunging into the roaring waters of the Kelani River and navigating exhilarating rapids alongside fellow adventurers in an adrenaline pumping whitewater rafting session. This heart pounding experience is one you’ll cherish forever because Kitulgala is one of the premier whitewater rafting destinations in Asia.

This is only the beginning of the excitement as the lush rainforest enveloping Kitulgala is your gateway to exploration and discovery.

Embark on jungle trails that wind their way through the thick foliage, and reveal hidden waterfalls, enchanting caves and secret pools that are perfect for a refreshing dip. Keep an eye out for diverse wildlife that calls this rainforest home, and ranges from colourful butterflies to elusive reptiles and exotic bird species.

The allure of Kitulgala extends beyond its natural wonders as it boasts a history that’s as vibrant as its scenery. This is where that iconic movie The Bridge on the River Kwai was filmed and remnants of the bridge along with insights into its wartime significance captivate visitors even today.

Above all, Kitulgala is a place to let your inner adventurer run wild, laugh in the face of excitement and create memories that will last a lifetime. So get ready for the ride of your life where every day is waiting to be lived to its fullest.

Fact File

WATER SPORTS Kitulgala is a playground for water sports enthusiasts as the mighty Kelani River carves its path through the dense jungle and provides the perfect setting for an array of thrilling aquatic activities. From the heart pounding excitement of whitewater rafting to the serene pleasure of kayaking, Kitulgala offers a spectrum of water-based adventures. Dive in, paddle your way through the rapids or simply bask in the crystal clear waters as nature’s splendour surrounds you. Kitulgala’s water sports scene has something for everyone – so get ready for wet and wild fun, and let the river be your guide to unforgettable aquatic adventures in this tropical paradise.

CALM PLATEAU There’s a serene paradise waiting to be explored at the picturesque Halgolla Tea Estate. This tranquil plateau boasts lush tea gardens, rolling hills and spectacular landscapes that stretch as far as the eye can see. The Wewalthalawa plateau offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of tea production with guided tours that illustrate the meticulous process of plucking and processing. It’s also a haven for nature enthusiasts who enjoy serene picnics and leisurely walks through green gardens. Wewalthalawa plateau is a window to Sri Lanka’s tea culture and stunning natural beauty, and an unforgettable destination for travellers.

FOREST RESERVE The 1,155 hectare Makandawa Forest Reserve is a haven for rare endemic species and the site of the renowned Belilena Cave. It also served as the backdrop for the film The Bridge on the River Kwai. Trails through this tropical rainforest unveil crystal clear rock pools, stunning waterfalls and the mighty Kelani River. Adventurers can engage in activities such as hiking, whitewater rafting and birdwatching, as well as encounter several rare fish, birds, butterflies and reptiles. With 54 rare bird species, the forest reserve stands as a premier birdwatching spot for nature enthusiasts.

HANDUN ELLA Named for the abundant handun (sandalwood) trees that once graced its surroundings, one of nature’s secret masterpieces awaits visitors as it stands tall at over 30 metres in height. The water that falls gracefully down a faceted rock face forms a natural plunge pool. As the cool waters cascade down the rugged terrain, they harmonise with the surrounding rich greenery to create a tranquil setting. Whether you choose to dip your toes in the refreshing pool or simply close your eyes and let the sounds of nature envelop you, Handun Ella will leave you rejuvenated and in awe of the wonders of the rainforest.

BELILENA CAVE This cave, which was discovered by palaeontologist Dr. Paulus Edward Pieris Deraniyagala, contains evidence of human existence from some 32,000 years ago, suggesting a rich ancient past. Prehistoric Balangoda Man’s skeletal bones and other relics, including tools of stone and bone, were found at the site. Excavations are underway here; and this area, which has been designated as an archaeological reserve, offers greater insights into the ancient past of the area. Discover the intriguing facets of human history at this archaeological wonder in an enthralling environment.