Seylan Bank concludes Seylan Cards Swipe and Win Draw 2024 with 3 Winners
Seylan Bank, in collaboration with FitsAir, recently concluded the presentation ceremony for the winners of the 2024 Seylan Cards Swipe & Win Draw.
T.M.C.C.D.B. Senavirathne, K.Tharmasegaram, and A.A.G.S.Amarathunga, being the respective winners for the months of October, November, and December are the recipients of 02 Return Air economy class tickets to Dubai, courtesy of FitsAir.
In attendance for the presentation of the rewards were Asiri Abhayaratne, Assistant General Manager – Marketing & Sales, Ruchith Liyanage, Head of Cards, and Roshan Rajapakse, Manager – Communications & Promotions representing Seylan Bank. Standing in for FitsAir were Nashwa Nadine, Junior Communications Executive, and Shafiya Careem, Head of Communication & Marketing.
The Seylan Cards Swipe & Win Draw represents the Bank with a Heart’s efforts to ensure its customers not only receive exemplary service but also reward their loyalty with opportunities to spread their wings and fly.